The well-known actor and singer, Panos Vlachos, started performing in a well-known night club of Iera Odos on Tuesday, January 7, with the demand for his program already flaring up from the first week, not because of his artistic abilities, but because of his cost. his shirt.
The appearances
The nightclub, which hosts the popular artist, remains packed at every appearance, proving his momentum.
At the same time, Vlachos’ performances have become the subject of admiration and discussion on social media, with TikTok in particular being filled with videos that capture the atmosphere of his live performances.
The target is the public image
However, Vlacho’s appearances are not only accompanied by positive comments. A certain element of his stage presence, the shirt he chose to wear during his last performance, has caused debate and reactions.
The shirt in question, estimated to cost around €500, has been the subject of heated comments on social media, with some users criticizing the artist.
His critics argue that his expensive attire is inconsistent with the political and social views he expresses through his art, accusing him of an inconsistency between his message and his personal image.
@mairoula.pharmacist Only artful #fyp #foruyou #panosvlachos #vox #voxstage @panos ♬ original sound – Mairoula
@panosvlahos_fp #fyp #foruyou #foru #forypupage #panosvlachos #panosvlahos #panosvlaxos ♬ original sound – Panos_vlahos_official_fan_club