Paris Retail Week becomes “Retail’s Big Show Europe”, in partnership with the NRF

At the opening conference of Paris Retail Week, Comexposium CEO and NRF CEO announced the expansion of their partnership. In 2025, the show, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary today, will become “Retail’s Big Show Europe”, organized by both companies.

This morning marks the kick-off of the 10th edition of Paris Retail Week, but also its last. Indeed, during the opening conference of the show, an annual meeting of French retailers, Laurent Noël, CEO of Comexposium, announced a rebranding. Next year will see the first edition of Retail’s Big Show Europe, organised by Comexposium and the NRF.

The two companies were already partners for Paris Retail Week and this year organized the first edition of Retail’s Big Show APAC in Singapore to support retailers in discovering the Asia Pacific market. For Laurent Noël, “This show was such a success that we didn’t want to stop there.” This is why the National Retail Federation and Comexposium are joining forces for good, in order to broaden the spectrum of Paris Retail Week and, together, represent the European market as a whole.

Globalizing support for retailers

“The responsibility of the NRF is to support retail leaders in their developments, says Matthew Shay, President and CEO of the federation. Today the market is becoming more international, so observing trends and issues only by country loses its meaning.” This observation is the reason why the NRF has wanted, for several years, go outside the borders of the United States. The idea is therefore to start 2025 in New York, in order to explore the American market, then to continue the year in Singapore, in June, to understand the Asia Pacific region and finally to end next year in style in Paris, for the very first edition of Retail’s Big Show Europe. “By expanding our spectrum, we now cover a major part of international markets, in order to better serve retailers who want to expand their business”comments the CEO of the NRF.
