Park Dan met with Lee Jae-myeong: “The government must withdraw the increase in medical schools next year” |

“Discuss with party leader Lee Jae-myung about overall medical issues in Korea.”
Jae-Myeong Lee “Public inconvenience due to medical gap… “We call for a forward-looking attitude from the government.”

Park Dan, Chairman of the Emergency Response Committee of the Korean Medical Residents Association. 2024.8.21 News 1

Park Dan, chairman of the emergency response committee of the Korean Medical Residents Association (Daejeon Association), said on the 26th, “Residents and students will not return to hospitals and schools, respectively, even next spring,” and added, “The increase in personnel must be withdrawn starting from 2025.”

According to the Democratic Party of Korea and Chairman Park, Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myeong and Chairman Park met somewhere in Seoul that day and had a meeting for 1 hour and 30 minutes. It is known that the two sides discussed solutions to the current medical crisis and overall problems in the domestic medical system. This meeting took place at the suggestion of the Democratic Party.

After the meeting ended, Chairman Park said on his Facebook page, “I plan to communicate frequently with the Democratic Party of Korea in the future,” and added, “What are the demands of resigning residents, such as improving the treatment of residents and abolishing work start orders, how firm are they, and what problems will be faced in the future?” “I told you what would happen,” he wrote.

At the same time, he said, “I have no intention of participating in the ruling and opposition party council (in the future), and the seven demands of the Daejeon Agreement remain unchanged,” adding, “Residents and students will not return to hospitals and schools, respectively, next spring. (After reinforcement) It is impossible to train 7,500 people. “The increase in troops must be withdrawn starting from 2025,” he said.

Cho Seung-rae, chief spokesperson for the Democratic Party, also said in a written briefing that day, “Representative Lee agreed that all possibilities should be kept open and discussed regarding the 2025 medical school quota.” He also added that he urged the government to take a forward-looking attitude as the public continues to experience inconvenience due to the medical gap.

Chief Spokesperson Cho added, “Representative Lee and Chairman Park agreed to continue communication to come up with a solution to the medical crisis.” Attending this meeting were Park Joo-min, chairman of the Democratic Party’s Special Committee on Medical Disruption Countermeasures, and Kang Cheong-hee, chairman of the Democratic Party’s Special Committee on Health and Medical Services.

Since last February, the Daejeon Medical Association has △ completely canceled the essential medical package and the 2,000-person increase in medical schools △ established an organization to estimate the supply and demand of doctors △ expanded the recruitment of specialists in training hospitals △ alleviated the burden of force majeure medical accidents △ improved the training environment for medical residents △ completely withdrawn and apologized for unfair orders. △There has been a demand for the abolition of the business start order.

The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences, a medical community, and the Korean Association of Medical Colleges and Graduate Schools of Medicine (KAMC), an organization of medical school deans, recently announced their participation in the ‘ruling and opposition party council’ and raised speculation that this would open the way for dialogue, but there has been no additional participation from the medical community. It’s a situation.

On the 22nd, Emergency Response Committee Chairman Park along with Emergency Response Committee Chairman Son Jeong-ho, Kim Seo-young, and Jo Joo-shin of the Korean University of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine Student Association (KMA), a medical student group, said, “We have no intention of participating in a superficial consultative body.”

(Seoul = News 1)
