Park Kang-soo, Mapo-gu Mayor: “We will do our best to create a safe traffic environment for children.”

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Mapo-gu Mayor Park Kang-soo visited Haneul Elementary School on the morning of the 24th where ‘Children’s Traffic Safety and Green Traffic Education’ was held.

This training, prepared jointly by Mapo-gu, Mapo Police Station, and Mapo-gu Green Mothers’ Association, was conducted for approximately 120 students in grades 3 and 4 of Sky Elementary School.

On this day, students learned basic traffic safety, how to use bicycles, and precautions when using public transportation through a lecture by Superintendent Kim Hyeon-jeong of Mapo Police Station.

Mapo-gu District Mayor Park Kang-soo said to the students, “I hope that through today’s training, you children will learn a lot about traffic safety and green transportation,” and “We adults will also do our best to create a safe traffic environment for you children.”

Reporter Park Jong-il

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