Passengers experienced such turbulence when landing. See footage directly from the plane – Home – News

Footage of the turbulence over the Italian Naples, Capo Miseno, a picturesque cape located in the south of Italy and offering beautiful views, but also the National March for Life from Košice. These are the most watched videos of the week sent by our Pravda readers.

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Turbulence over Naples


Source: mReporter: Andy Snijders

Turbulence is the irregular movement of air that causes sudden changes in the height and direction of an aircraft during flight. It occurs as a result of the collision of different layers of air with different temperature, pressure or speed, especially when passing through clouds, mountains or atmospheric fronts. Although it can be uncomfortable for passengers, turbulence usually does not endanger the safety of the aircraft. This is how our mReporter managed to capture her when they were landing over Naples, Italy.

Capo Miseno in Italy


Source: mReporter: Andy Snijders

Capo Miseno, located in the south of Italy near Naples, is a picturesque promontory that offers magnificent views of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Gulf of Naples. It is attractive with its rich combination of history, natural beauty and mythology. There is a remnant of a stratovolcano that is part of the Campi Flegrei volcanic region, making it a place of geological interest. Historically, it served as the main Roman military port, thus gaining strategic importance during the Roman Empire.

Moreover, its association with the legend of Misena, the trumpeter of the hero Aeneas, adds a mystical and mythological appeal to the place. Views of the Bay of Naples, surrounding islands and pleasant beaches make it a popular destination for tourists.

National March for Life 2024 in Košice


Source: mReporter: Daniel Imriška

On Sunday, September 22, 2024, the fourth National March for Life took place in Košice, where 40,000 people gathered. The goal of the march was to achieve the protection of life from conception to natural death, while the participants were accompanied not only by volunteers, but also by a cultural program and speeches by speakers from different countries. Among the main topics were the protection of unborn children, the care of mothers and the rejection of euthanasia.

17 bishops took part in the march and Pope Francis sent his greetings through Nuncio Nicol Girasoli. “Let it be a march of joy and enthusiasm, let it be a true march for life. Let it be a march of hope. Always be supporters of life. Life is God’s gift. Always be proud and ready to protect life. Receive a hug full of peace and hope from Pope Francis,” read the message from the Holy Father.
