Pasta, a French passion! Which ones do you love?

Eight out of ten French people eat pasta regularly. But why is it so popular?

Even more pasta during the pandemic

According to a study recently published by YouGov, seven out of ten French people eat pasta at least once a week (70%). 36% even say they eat it more than once a week. And this passion is not about to erode: nearly half of Millennials (49%) even eat it several times a week.

Of course, the lockdown also came along, to the great delight of pasta makers: 28% of French people say they ate more pasta than usual during this period. A simple and practical solution, which allows you not to return to the nearest supermarket too often during the pandemic.

Spaghetti: the French’s favorite pasta shape © YouGov

Spaghetti, stars of the plates

According to statistics published last year by Statista, 80% of French people regularly eat pasta. A figure to be compared with the country that is the world’s largest consumer, Italy (83%). If we are to believe the study carried out by YouGov, 41% of French people have opted more for pasta in order to limit their spending.

It must be said that their relatively reasonable price makes them a meal of choice to spend less for 18-34 year olds, tight budget obliges. But what pasta do we eat the most? Everyone has their favorite shape. The favorite shape in France: spaghetti, far ahead of penne, fusilli, tagliatelle and farfalle. It must be said that pasta goes with (almost) all recipes.

The “gluten-free” pasta market

The demand for gluten-free products is growing, the supply of gluten-free pasta remains insufficient according to 28% of the population (35% of Millennials). Moreover, 75% of French people say they have never eaten gluten-free pasta. If 1 in 2 people do not see the point, 30% of French people have simply never had the opportunity to consume it and 12% fear the taste of gluten-free pasta, and 12% consider that its price is too high.

Among these types of pasta, which ones do you like the most?

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