“Patriarchal logic does not understand right or left”

Some feminist organizations have spoken out in recent hours after the resignation of Sumar’s former spokesperson, Iñigo Errejón, after complaints of sexist harassment leveled against him. The groups demand an end to impunity also within political spaces and demand that the parties, with a very direct criticism of those on the left, implement effective mechanisms to combat the sexual violence that occurs within them.

“At this point, is anyone surprised? Because we, of course, don’t. This new case of ‘superfeminist and left-wing ally sir’ only reminds us of what we already know: political spaces, no matter how left-wing they may be, reproduce the patriarchal logic that prevails in all sectors of our society,” argues the Women’s Foundation. Young people in their writing.

The organization focuses on how the system “raises the flag of equality” and at the same time “continues to protect them.” “The pact of men, who know each other and hide each other, does not understand the political spectrum, neither right nor left. From communists to liberals or social democrats. This happens everywhere you look: political organizations, unions, formal and non-formal education entities, youth associative spaces…,” he says.

The statement recognizes that “no space is free of machismo and violence” but in many cases “it is silenced,” he laments. “The protocols do not work, the feminist discourses are a dead letter, and the institutions fail to create environments where we can participate without fear of being violated,” says the federation in relation to the path chosen for the first complaint against Errejón, that of a woman who found a place to do so on Cristina Fallarás’ Instagram, which has long collected testimonies of sexual violence.

Events precipitated after the journalist made public this anonymous accusation against the politician in which she described him as a “psychological abuser.” She was joined this Friday by the actress Elisa Mouliaá, who has filed a complaint at the police station in which she reports a sexual assault during a party. “I have not dared to denounce Errejón until now, but if I did not do so it would weigh on my conscience,” he stated to this medium.

“His speech today is a mockery”

The Federation of Young Women also highlights the added difficulties when it comes to cases that occur by men who defend a feminist discourse. “In progressive political spaces there is a particularly perverse dynamic because in theory they share our ideals, they are references and applauded for their speeches on equality. That makes it more difficult for us to raise our voices and point out the problem.”

The Women’s Foundation also issued a statement on the same lines this Friday: “Male predatory behavior, whatever it is called, exists in all areas and levels of our society and politics is not free from it either,” the organization says. , who insists that “Iñigo Errejón has been one of the most important leaders of the left in recent years” and that is why “today his speeches against sexist violence resonate against a great mockery of all women, culminated in a total absence of recognition and apology.”

It refers to the letter published on social networks with which the founder of Más Madrid announced his resignation, in which he claimed to have reached “the limit of the contradiction between the character and the person” and blamed the “neoliberal way of life.” and to the “pace of work” their behaviors “emancipated from care, empathy and the needs of others.”

“It is not neoliberalism, nor are mental disorders the explanation for behavior that is clearly intolerable, it is machismo that is culturally rooted in our societies and that still enjoys great impunity,” reproaches the Women’s Foundation, which urges political parties to put in place “the necessary mechanisms to prevent, control and purge machismo in their organizations” and to “not cover” the conduct “of those we know believe to be unpunished.” “It is damage to women’s rights, but it is also damage to the credibility of feminism when it occurs in parties that make feminism and equality policies their flag.”

Source: www.eldiario.es