Peak of heat with 43 degrees Wednesday and Thursday

The warm air masses from the coasts of northern Africa to a large part of eastern Europe and the Balkans will continue to cause very high temperatures in our country, with the highest values ​​being recorded today Wednesday and tomorrow Thursday (18/7) in the interior of the continent of Greece, mainly in the west, central and north.

In the Update of the Emergency Worsening Weather Bulletin, it is noted that:


A. in the coastal areas of the mainland the maximum temperature value will be 2 to 4 degrees lower than the temperature in the interior of mainland Greece and

B. the minimum temperatures will also be maintained at high levels, which will vary in most areas around 27 to 29 degrees Celsius.

More detail:

Today and tomorrow Thursday (18/7) the maximum temperature is expected to reach:

a. In the interior of the mainland 41 to 42 and locally in the west, central and north 43 degrees Celsius.


b. In the Ionian, the islands of the Eastern Aegean, the Dodecanese and southern Crete are 38 to 40 degrees Celsius.

c. In the rest of the island country, 35 to 37 degrees Celsius.

d. In Attica and the prefecture of Thessaloniki, 39 to 40 degrees Celsius.

The maximum temperature exceeded 40 °C

High temperatures continue to be recorded by the / National Observatory of Athens network of automatic weather stations for the 9th day in a row. As can be seen in the map of the following image, the maximum temperature on Tuesday 16/07 was recorded in Gavalou, Etoloakarnania, and was equal to 41.5 °C. On Tuesday, for the 9th consecutive day, a maximum temperature above 40°C was recorded in the country.

In addition, the average maximum temperature in the country was equal to 35.1 °C, while 168 of the 507 active stations (at the present time) recorded temperatures above 37 °C, of ​​which 17 recorded a temperature above 40 °C.

Thodoris Kolidas: High temperatures in many regions of Greece

As meteorologist Thodoris Kolidas explained in the Star’s central news bulletin that high temperatures are being recorded this time in several areas of Northern Greece, the absence of the north-east winds, the well-known “meltemia” that blow in several other areas of the country, is what plays an important role.

As for the areas that will see the mercury reach 42 to 43 degrees Celsius, the EMY director claimed that these will be:


The temperature will reach 41 degrees in:

Eastern Aegean

Giannitsa and Serres are expected to have a high maximum temperature within the urban fabric of cities, with a temperature that may reach… 43 degrees Celsius, as well as Komotini and Xanthi with 41 degrees and Orestiada with 40.

A rather special event as such temperatures are rare in the region of Thrace. We will also have 40s in several other cities, such as Trikala, Sidirokastro, Kilkis, Larissa Mytilini, Gytheio, Patras, Arta, as well as in the rest of Greece.

The mercury will climb to 39 degrees in Argos and Karditsa, however, the temperature is expected to reach 39 degrees in Thessaloniki, where the humidity in the city creates a stifling atmosphere even with lower temperatures, so everyone needs attention.

The highest temperatures on Wednesday

On Friday (19/7) the maximum temperature is expected to reach:

a. In the northern continental areas 38 to 39 degrees and in the rest of the continental areas 40 to 41 degrees Celsius.

b. In the Ionian, the islands of the Eastern Aegean, the Dodecanese and southern Crete are 37 to 39 degrees Celsius.

c. In the rest of the island country, 34 to 36 degrees Celsius.

d. In Attica and the prefecture of Thessaloniki, 38 to 39 degrees Celsius.

It is pointed out that on Friday after noon and until the afternoon in the northern country there will be phenomena of instability.

4. On Saturday (20/7) from noon storms will occur in the northern northeastern country (mainly in Thrace, eastern Macedonia and the eastern parts of central Macedonia) and the temperature is expected to reach:

a. In the northern continental areas 37 to 38 degrees and in the rest of the continental areas 39 to 40 and locally in the western continental areas 41 degrees Celsius.

b. In the Ionian, the islands of the Eastern Aegean, the Dodecanese and southern Crete are 37 to 39 degrees Celsius.

c. In the rest of the island country, 34 to 36 degrees Celsius.

d. In Attica 38 to 39 and in the Prefecture of Thessaloniki 37 degrees Celsius.

5. On Sunday (21/7) the temperature will drop by approximately 1 to 2 degrees and will have a maximum value in most continental areas of 37 to 39 degrees Celsius.
