Pensioner saving monthly? Then you shouldn’t do this

In Sweden, there are roughly 2.3 million people who receive a general pension, which consists of income pension, premium pension, supplementary pension and guarantee pension.

According to recent figures from the Pensions Authority, the average public pension before tax for residents in Sweden was SEK 16,200 per month in July. Men receive an average of SEK 17,600 a month, while women receive SEK 15,000, which means a difference of SEK 2,600.

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Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT

In addition to the public pension, many also have an occupational pension and private pension savings. For News24 has, however Frida Brattwho is a savings economist at Nordnet Bank, stated that it is not always time to save for retirement yourself.

READ MORE: Then you shouldn’t save for pensions: “Not that simple”

Frida Bratt. Photo: Press image/Nordnet Bank

But when you are retired, how should you think about your savings? Earlier, Nyheter24 reported on how the bank Avanza mapped its senior customers’ monthly savings and then it looked like this for the ages 61 to 90:

  • 61 – 70 years: SEK 2,307
  • 71 – 80 years: SEK 2,011
  • 81 – 90 years: 1978 kroner

The average savings for this group thus landed at SEK 2,099.

READ MORE: This is how much Swedish pensioners save every month – are you putting enough away?

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

In a survey by the Fund Companies’ Association, which Nyheter24 previously reported on, it was also found that a majority of the pensioners who participated saved between SEK 2,000 and 4,999 a month.

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Should you save monthly as a pensioner?

But should you really save monthly as a pensioner, and if so, in what way? News24 asked Frida Bratt.

– An easily accessible buffer for unforeseen expenses is good for everyone to have, and it should be in a savings account. But at this age, a lot is about managing the money you saved while you were working. Then I think it is important to have thought about what your life as a pensioner might look like in good time.

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Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

Here, Bratt urges pensioners not to forget that we now live longer than before and that many stay healthy to a greater extent.

– This means that you may want to withdraw the money for a longer period of time, then you can have it partly invested with little risk, in equity funds so that it continues to grow.

Photo: Press photo/Nordnet Bank

But the savings economist further emphasizes that saving, in addition to something that means you have a buffer to cope with unforeseen events, is not as important as earlier in life and that you should therefore not put too much money in a pile.

– There is no end in itself in saving as much as possible in this phase of life, unless you are more concerned about your heirs than you are about having a little silver lining in life in the fall of life.

DON’T MISS: Pensioner? This is how much you should have in the savings account according to the expert
