“People listened to my father in the same hall, I’m proud”

Aleksa Balašević on the premiere of the film Megdan: “People listened to my father in the same hall, I am proud”

“When I go to the Sava Center, for me it is a feeling of the unique spirit of the people who go there, and who used to come to listen to my father in that same Hallat the press conference held today ahead of the big Belgrade premiere, which will take place on Tuesday in the newly opened Blue Hall of the Sava Center.

Balašević pointed out that working on this screenplay combined his three great loves – sports, cinematography and Novi Sad, and that he started writing this film three years ago with the great help of MMA fighters Vas Bakočević and Dušan Džakić.

Aleksa Balašević’s screenwriting and production debut arrives in front of cinema audiences after its world premiere at the Naples Film Festival, where it returned with two awards, as well as regional and Serbian pre-premieres at the Sarajevo Film Festival, as well as the Niš Film Festival – where it is at both places received sympathy, but also awards from the audience.

Jelena Ćalasan

Viktor Savić about the film

The main actor Viktor Savić repeated that with the role in the film “Megdan” he fulfilled his boyhood dream.

“As a kid, I grew up on such films. When we talk about physical preparations, I started filming with only three kickboxing trainings, and I am very grateful that I had a great trainer, the famous Zoran Bačulov. The specificity of this recording was that we had a complete fight choreography, and not a frame-by-frame recording”.

The main female star, Nina Seničar, shared a similar opinion and pointed out that the film has a soul, and that it certainly cannot bear the epithet of a “man’s film”, but its emotional component is brought by the role of Jovana, which she portrays. “It was a pleasure to work with Aleks, in my hometown, because we filmed in locations that marked my childhood,” said Nina.

Ticket sales for the premiere of the romantic sports spectacle have begun

The strength and tenderness of human characters

“The film Megdan is a sports drama that deals with the strength, but also the tenderness of human characters, which shows the true result of persistence when combined with justice and love. We are glad that through this film, its script, excellent acting, but also through the freshness that Aleksa Balašević brought to the whole project, given that it is his debut, we showed the luxury of an urban, sports story in a sensitive way. The first confirmation that we have done a great thing together are the two awards received at the prestigious festival in Naples, for “Rising Star” to Viktor Savić and the best debut film. All of that together is an excellent invitation to the premiere of the film,” said Aleksandra Martinović, Director of Telekom Srbija’s Multimedia Directorate.

The cast of this film also includes Enis Bešlagić, Vojin Ćetković, Aleksandar Radojičić, Jovana Balašević, Petar Božović, Aleksandar Gavranić, Vaso Bakočević, Maja Berović, Dušan Džakić, Ion Bečte, Genadij Bojarkin, Blagoj Veselinov, Iva Krajnc and many others.

Behind this film story are the production companies Megdan Film, Pascaru Production, Slice and Telekom Srbija, while the author’s team consists of director Todor Čapkanov, the author of the script is Aleksa Balašević, and the co-writers are Jelena Balašević and Gvozden Đurić, while Dirk Brose was in charge of the music.

After the official premiere in Belgrade, the film “Megdan” will be shown in cinemas throughout the country and the region from September 26, distributed by “Art Viste”.

Source: BIZLife

Photo: Promo

Source: bizlife.rs