people would not be able to buy tickets to a commercial theater

The field of culture will also be cut this year. However, although money seems to be needed everywhere anyway, especially the editors in the administrative area of ​​the Ministry of Culture feel that they have already been cut over the years.

  • Although the actors can earn extra with the summer theater, it all comes from the vacation time Photo: Raul Mee

“It’s as if the cuts have gone away in our industry, but now we have to cut another 10 percent from there. It’s a completely depressing situation,” said Gert Raudsep, head of the theater union and well-known NO and Drama Theater actor, on the “Äripää opinion leader” program.

According to Raudsepa, the cut was due to the fact that the share of cultural funding in the state budget has dropped from 3.8 percent to 2 percent in two decades. And while the minimum wage for a cultural worker has risen by a fifth this decade, both prices and average wages have risen by more than a third during that time.

“An obvious simple calculation shows that it’s relative: if you add 10 percent to 2,000, it’s 200, if you add 1,000, it’s 100.”

Although one could always ask whether a successful theater could not be made purely from commercial money, Raudsep is resolute: “I don’t think that an Estonian person can really afford the ticket prices of a commercial theater.”

In the interview, the salary of the actors, the summer theater phenomenon, the renaissance of the Drama Theater and the vitality of the repertory theater were discussed.

Interviewed by Indrek Lepik.

Gert Raudsep: people wouldn’t be able to buy tickets to a commercial theater

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