“Person with a heart of gold, he cared about everyone”

“A serious person, with a heart of gold and always available to everyone”. This is how friends remember Massimo Raffi, the 42-year-old security guard, who disappeared on New Year’s Eve and was found dead after three days of searches in Castelnuovo di Porto.

Massimo Raffi

Massimo Raffi he was forty-two years old, he was a professional private security guard. Between Rome and the provinces he was well known for his work, loved and respected. Those who knew him speak of him as a good person, smiling and always ready to help others, to solve everyone’s problems. Massimo left his home in Montelibretti on New Year’s Eve and within a short time was untraceable.

His absence worried his family, who reported his disappearance, with the hope that he was well and could hug him again. Unfortunately the story ended with the worst outcome: Massimo Raffi was found dead after three days of searches inside his car in Castelnuovo di Porto in the metropolitan area of ​​Rome Capital.

The farewell messages to Massimo Raffi

The news of Massimo Raffi’s passing had spread quickly and a great tom-tom had started on social networks, with users re-sharing and commenting on the family’s appeal. Everyone hoped he was okay and would return home soon. Then the tragic news of discovery of his body. There are many messages of condolence sent to his family, his partner and his mother.

Massimo Raffi found dead: the 42-year-old security guard had been missing for three days

Many remember him with respect and affection. Enrico remembers him as “a serious, prepared person who had been fighting for the category for years. It shouldn’t have ended like this…I offer my deepest condolences to the family of this great man. May you shine again now, wherever you are!” . “I have no words, only a profound sadness – comments Luigi – The category loses a fundamental piece”. And again Angelo: “Only those who knew you can truly say what a person you were, a great man with a heart of gold, always available to everything and everyone.” And Pamela: “A friend, a man who cared about everyone…A man who fought for the rights of security guards.”

Massimo Raffi disappeared and found dead

According to what has been reconstructed so far by the Monterotondo carabinieri, who carried out the necessary investigations, it would be a suicide. Massimo Raffi disappeared on New Year’s Eve driving his black Audi A/4, he was last seen in the Torrevecchia area. At first he answered the phone, but after a few calls and texts he stopped answering.

The appeal was also launched by Penelope Odv, who provides support and help to the families and friends of missing people, explaining that Massimo “was going through a difficult time” and that it was necessary to find him soon. After the complaint from his family, the search began, ending three days later in Castelnuovo di Porto, when he was found dead in his car.

Source: www.fanpage.it