Pianist Ilinca Dumitrescu gives an extraordinary recital on the occasion of the Day of the Armenian language, alphabet and culture

Prestigious name of Romanian performing arts, artistic personality of international scope, pianist Ilinca Dumitrescu has performed in cities from 5 continents, 46 countries, 39 capitals of the world, in important concert halls. He was born in Bucharest, in a family of artists (father – composer Ion Dumitrescu, emeritus university professor, corresponding member of the French Institute – Académie des Beaux-Arts, mother – poet and actress Mariana Dumitrescu). He studied with famous teachers: Cella Delavrancea and Mihail Jora in Romania, Stanislav Neuhaus and Iakov Flier at the PI Tchaikovsky State Conservatory in Moscow, graduating in 1978 with the highest distinction Diploma of Merit. On the occasion of the graduation concert, Arno Babageanian, pianist, head of the department and president of the examination committee, remarked, in June 1978: “Ilinca Dumitrescu – a pianist who delicately feels the diversity of the styles of the works sung. Very sensitive, musical. Master the instrument to perfection. A great artistic future awaits her.”

About the occasion of this event, the journalist Madeleine Karacașian, member of the Union of Writers from Romania and the Union of Writers from Armenia, appreciates:

“The establishment in Romania, in 2019, of such a holiday (October 12) was a first for the Armenian Diaspora. Nowhere in the world did such a thing exist until the day when the country’s Parliament unanimously adopted Law No. 18 of the same year, and President Klaus Iohannis signed, on October 10, 2019, the Decree for the promulgation of this Law, regarding the establishment of October 12 as “Armenian Language, Alphabet and Culture Day”. It was a noble and remarkable gesture of the State and others his authorities towards the Armenian community in Romania, which has been living on this hospitable land for almost a millennium.

Why October 12?

Because the Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates “Translators’ Day” on this date, but which in Armenia varies from one day to another, as it happens in Romania.

In the year 301, Armenia, with a multi-thousand-year history, became the first country in the world to proclaim Christianity as the state religion, after the preacher Gregory the Illuminator baptized the king, the army and the entire people at the foot of the biblical Ararat, and he became the first Catholicos and Patriarch of the Armenians, being sanctified after death.

It should be noted the longevity of this alphabet, created in 405, by the theologian and linguist Mesrop Maștoț, an alphabet made up of 36 letters, to which the letters O and F were added in the Middle Ages. M. Mastoț was also later sanctified.

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I would like to draw the attention of our guests that the Armenian language has contributed to the preservation of the national identity of the Armenian people. Here are some interesting details: The great English poet George Gordon Byron, who had learned the Armenian language at the Mekhitarist Congregation on the island of San Lazzaro near Venice, believed that Armenian was the only language through which one could speak with God. Also in Venice, in 1512 the first book in the Armenian language was printed, and in 1794, in Madras (India), the first Armenian magazine appeared.

Returning to the Armenian alphabet, it should be noted that in 2016 it was included by UNESCO in the intangible heritage of humanity.

We celebrate today’s event thanks to the generosity of the management of the “George Enescu” Philharmonic in Bucharest, a mythical space of music and, in general, of culture.”

Romanian Athenaeum

Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 7 p.m

Day of the Armenian language, alphabet and culture

Extraordinary piano recital



Arno Babageanian – 3 pieces

Komitas – G. Saragian – Krunk (Cocorul)

Gayane Cebotarian – 6 preludes

Suren Zakarian – Humoreska

Aramaic Satian – Sonatina

Karen Ananian – 3 jazz pieces

Aram Haciaturian – 4 pieces

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Introductory word: VARUJAN VOSGANIAN


In collaboration with the Armenian Archdiocese of Romania and the Union of Armenians in Romania

Source: jurnalul.ro