PKP Intercity has new locomotives. They will travel up to 200 km/h

The value of the entire contract for the supply and maintenance of vehicles is nearly PLN 388 million gross. The next two locomotives should be delivered at the end of October, while the remaining ones will be delivered in November and December. The vehicles were designated the EU200 series.

According to the carrier, all locomotives are equipped with the second level European ETCS train control system, which significantly increases the level of safety. The remote diagnostics system allows for real-time monitoring of work.

– Polish structures with such a level of technological advancement have never been built before, including: about the maximum speed these vehicles can achieve. And thanks to the fact that the locomotives are multi-system, they can run on railway lines powered by different voltages, and therefore also on international routes – emphasized Dariusz Klimczak, Minister of Infrastructure, during the presentation.

The locomotive is designed to drive freight trains weighing up to 3,200 tons at a speed of up to 140 km/h, and passenger trains weighing up to 800 tons at a speed of up to 200 km/h. Of course, it is variable and depends on the gross weight and the slope of the track. At a maximum gradient of 6 per mille, the maximum speed drops to 80 km/h.

The Griffin locomotive platform is the result of several years of work by Polish engineers. The completed structures have undergone many years of testing, research and development, as noted by the President of the Management Board of PKP Intercity. Powering the engines through converters built using IGBT technology, an on-board diagnostics system with full visual information and a data recording module, a camera system, adaptation to the installation of ERTMS and GSM-R devices, these are just some of the basic features of the Griffin locomotive. The full list of technical parameters of individual vehicle versions can be found at manufacturer’s website.

The new locomotives will make it possible to use the possibilities of modernized railway routes, but this does not mean that they will only be transported on Polish tracks. Homologation for the Czech Republic and Slovakia is already underwaywhere they will take us first. There are also plans to release them in the direction Germany, Austria and Hungary.

Documentation authorizing Griffins to operate in all of the above-mentioned countries is to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2026.

Sources: PKP Intercity, Newag SA


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