Plant healthy sea buckthorn in your garden! Popular varieties and care features

Sea buckthorn berries (Hippophae rhamnoides) have long been known as a valuable source of vitamins and antioxidants, so they are worth making room for in any garden. The owner of the Ēvele nursery, Aija Smagare, advises.

Sea buckthorn originally came from Nepal, from where it spread to China, the Caucasus, Canada and Scandinavia. During the first ice age, a plant from Central Asia came to Central Europe. The Latin name of the plant can be translated as “shining horse” – for centuries, sea buckthorn was considered a medicinal plant for animals and was especially used to care for horses.

Which place is suitable

For sea buckthorn you need to choose a sunny, windy place with permeable, fairly moist loamy or sandy-clayey soil. The optimal soil reaction is slightly acidic (pH 5.5–6.5). Heavy clay soil is not suitable and must be improved with sand and gravel. In very sandy soils, add compost in a 1:1 ratio.

When is the best time to plant

Owner of the sea buckthorn nursery Ēvele Aya Smagare explains that seedlings with an open root system are planted only in early spring, since they take root less well in the fall. Seedlings in containers can be planted throughout the season. The above-ground part of the seedling is shortened by one third so that all remaining shoots are the same length. If the root is too long, it is not shortened, but placed in a planting hole. Plant at the same depth at which the plant grew before. Complex mineral fertilizers can be added to the planting hole, but they should not come into contact with the roots of the plant. The recommended distance between seedlings is 2 meters, between rows – 4 meters.

After planting, it is advisable to mulch the tree trunk with large material, preferably wood chips – this will help maintain uniform moisture in the soil, protect the roots from overheating, and at the same time allow the soil to breathe and allow rainwater to pass through.

Bush care

Sea buckthorn is generally considered a particularly hardy and easy-to-care plant. Its life cycle averages 15 years, after which the bushes need to be renewed or new ones planted.

Bushes are pruned in early spring – this can be done as early as February or March. First of all, damaged and diseased branches are removed.

In the first and second years after planting in the spring, young trees are pruned to approximately knee level and gradually formed into a bush, otherwise in subsequent years they can easily break under the weight of the fruit.

Fruiting bushes are pruned during harvest, leaving 30% of the green mass. If you prune more, the bush may die.

Old trees that have not previously been pruned regularly can be rejuvenated by pruning them to about 20 cm from the ground in the spring.

In spring, fertilize with complex mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content – about a handful per plant. Do not use fertilizers containing chlorine. There is no need to fertilize in the fall.

Sea buckthorn is a winter-hardy plant; it can withstand frosts down to -50 ºC, and its roots in the ground can withstand temperatures down to -20 ºC. In winter, the plant does not need to be covered. However, plants are much more sensitive to winter thaws. Frost resistance of flowers is high, but sometimes male flowers can freeze slightly, since they bloom first.
