Plantings to do in autumn for a productive garden in spring

Find out which plants, flowers and vegetables to plant in autumn to prepare for a productive and flourishing garden when spring returns. Practical advice and tips.

Fall is the perfect season to prepare a productive garden for spring. Bulbs, perennials and vegetables, discover the plantings to do now for a vibrant garden when the weather is nice.

Why plant in autumn and what to plant?

Fall temperatures are milder, encouraging root growth without suffering the stifling heat of summer. Rain is also generally more abundant at this time, limiting the need for watering. Finally, the plants have time to develop a solid root system before the arrival of frost. This allows them to start more quickly as soon as the nice weather returns.

To succeed with your fall plantings, you must first check the weather; make sure frost has not yet arrived and the soil temperature is warm enough to allow plants to take root.
Then, prepare the soil well by working the soil deeply and adding compost or manure to enrich it. This will make it easier for plants to absorb nutrients during the winter.
Regarding watering, even if the ambient humidity is often sufficient, it is recommended to water your plants just after planting them in order to encourage their rooting.
Finally, remember to protect young plants from intense cold by using mulch or a winter cover.

Read also – Autumn in the garden: make compost from dead leaves

Flower bulbs: Color and brightness from spring


Tulips, with their varied color palette, are perfect for creating a true floral spectacle in spring. Plant them in well-drained soil, at a depth of about three times their size, in October or November.


Very resistant, daffodils often flower from the beginning of spring. They can be planted in full sun or partial shade, and are known to repel certain pests such as rodents.


These delicate little flowers are among the first to emerge from the ground. Crocuses will brighten up your flowerbeds with their shades of purple, white and yellow at the end of winter.

Read also – Crocus, a delicate bulb plant to find every year


Hyacinths not only offer beautiful blooms, but also a delicious scent. Plant them in sunny areas to take full advantage of them in spring.

Perennial plants: A perennial garden

Perennials are plants that return every year, forming the basis of a sustainable garden. Planting these plants in autumn allows them to establish themselves quietly before spring.

Japanese anemones

This plant, well adapted to autumn conditions, produces flowers at the end of the season and prospers from year to year. The anemone prefers partially shaded and well-drained areas.


Hostas are ideal for shady areas of your garden. Although they don’t bloom immediately, their large evergreen leaves add a unique texture to your garden come spring.


These perennials with decorative foliage come in a wide range of colors, from green to purple. They acclimatize well to shade and are perfect for creating colorful borders.

Japanese anemones


Not only aesthetic, echinaceas are also renowned for their medicinal properties. These hardy plants attract pollinators and hold up well to harsh conditions.

Read also – Autumn bulbs: which ones to plant for a garden full of life?

Autumn vegetables: Preparing an early vegetable garden

Some vegetable crops can be planted in the fall to be harvested in the spring. This allows you to maximize the productivity of your vegetable garden from the start of the season.


Garlic is an easy-to-grow vegetable that is generally planted between October and December. Bury the pods tips upwards in light, well-drained soil. Garlic is harvested at the beginning of the following summer.


Like garlic, shallots are planted in fall and produce bountiful harvests in spring. Plant them in well-worked soil, spacing the bulbs about fifteen centimeters apart.


Sown in autumn, spinach can be harvested at the end of winter or at the beginning of spring. This hardy crop tolerates frosts and provides fresh greenery when few other vegetables are available.

plantation echalotte

Fall is a great season to prepare for a productive and vibrant garden for spring

By following these recommendations, you will give your plantings a head start, while enjoying a garden that will flourish from the first sunny days of spring.

Adopting this approach to planting in autumn is also part of a sustainable approach: well-rooted plants require less watering and are better equipped to resist parasites, which contributes to a more environmentally friendly garden.

Read also
Gardening in autumn: essential actions

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