Plants give you signs – this is how you can recognize the lack/excess of elements in the soil

All agricultural producers know very well that proper feeding of plants is the basis of any successful production, whether it is arable farming, vegetable growing, fruit growing, viticulture or the cultivation of medicinal, spice or ornamental plants. Every cultivated crop requires proper nutrition, i.e. providing a sufficient amount of necessary elements in accordance with its needs in a given vegetative phase. Any lack or excess of nutrients is very clearly shown by the plant. Too little or too much of an element has a negative effect on the plant, so the signs it signals are manifested in its decay. Identify them in time to prevent yield reduction and fruit quality decline.

Plants give you signs – this is how you can recognize the lack/excess of elements in the soil



Azot I crucial element for plant growth and development. His lack of plants very hard to bear. As it affects the formation of the leaf surface and the production of chlorophyll, it is clear that its deficiency will manifest itself in vision weak coloring of the leaves and their small growth.

In addition, older leaves are visibly premature changing color to yellowit then darkens more and more and becomes brown. The leaves on the plant become upright. Due to the prevention of the chlorophyll production of the corn plant they stop growingand their color is light green or yellow green (depending on how much chlorophyll deficiency occurred).

There is a weaker formation of plant parts: they appear thin and short youths, the crown is less branched, fruits of fruit trees fall during seeding. Also, the flowering of the plants is reduced, the ear, bunch, tuber, thickened root or panicle are smaller than they should be, they are less developed. With arable crops, there is weaker bucklingon the stems of the same are noticeable reddish stripes.

In addition, as nitrogen affects the formation of the basic parts of plants – roots and trees, there is a slower growth of all cultures, they lag behind in growth compared to plants grown on soil with sufficient nitrogen supply. Also, nitrogen affects the resistance of plants and helps them to cope more easily with frost and diseases, and due to the lack of this element, cultivated plants more sensitive.


If the lack of nitrogen affects the reduced intensity of the color of the leaves and their size, it is clear that its excessive amount leads to strong green leaves and their excessive exuberance. Excess nitrogen is particularly harmful to fruit crops: vegetation is lengthening and the youngsters wait for the winter unprepared and they freeze.

The fruits of all fruit crops do not have the desired quality they can’t keep themselves for long. Also, plants that are exposed to an excessive amount of nitrogen can hardly tolerate drought.

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The basic role of phosphorus is to contribute resistance of plants to low temperatures, as well as to lodging. Plants “require” phosphorus the most in the early phase of growth and the formation of the root system, and its deficiency is clearly visible and causes a number of problems in plant production. Plants stop their growth or they grow very slowlythey lag behind in growth even two weeks.

Flower and leaf buds, as well as young ones, are formed more slowly. Its deficiency is especially problematic during flowering because it leads to incomplete fertilization of female flowers. In fruit growing, the lack of phosphorus causes another problem – the fruits lose their firmness, they are too soft.

When it comes to farming: the grain ripening period is longer than usual, the pistons are too small and have irregular grain order. The stem is shorter, resistant to lodging, and the leaves acquire a bronze color (due to increased anthocyanin synthesis).

Soil qualitySoil quality

The changes are also visible on the leaves of other types of plants – the reverse side of the leaves (mainly older ones) takes on color purple color especially the petiole and the nervure closer to it.


Symptoms of excess phosphorus in the soil are actually symptoms calcium deficiencymagnesium (below), because an excessive amount of phosphorus hinders the supply of plants with these elements. Zinc deficiency also occurs.

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The role of potassium in plant production is multiple: namely, in addition to influencing photosynthesis, it promotes the growth of vegetative organs, and thanks to this element, the fruits have more intense color as well as a more favorable content of sugar and dry matter. What is characteristic of potassium is that it is important for plants in absolutely all stages of their developmentwhich speaks volumes about how unwanted its lack is.

It is clear from the above paragraph that due to potassium deficiency the fruits obtained will be less colored, and the percentage of sugar will also be reduced. Likewise, their market value is lost due to the poor structure of the meat it becomes too hard or too spongy. When talking about fruit crops, in orchards plums and pears especially you must not allow the lack of this element, as well as when growing apples and raspberries.

Soil qualitySoil quality

When it comes to field crops, they are very sensitive to potassium cornsugar beet, alfalfa, buckwheat and sunflower and when it comes to vegetables: tomatoes, sleep and potatoes. In field and vegetable crops, the lack of potassium leads to a serious problem: laying down due to insufficiently developed roots.

The leaves are excellent indicators of potassium deficiency: they are smaller and narrower, and their color is yellow-green. Yellow fields are visible on the edges of the leaves and in the zones between the leaf veins, within which over time drying occurs and visible dark, red-brown necrotic parts.

This is why the edges of the leaves look like they are fried. Those yellow fields with necrotic lesions are then twisted towards the face of the leaf and there is of his curls.


A visible sign of excess potassium is that prevents the absorption of calcium by the plant, so an excess amount of potassium has the same symptoms as a lack of calcium (see below).

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Insufficient concentration of this element is especially disastrous in the production of vegetables and fruits, because reduces fruit firmnesstheir transportability and possibility storage. Apple fruits have bitter spots. On the fruits, rot is visible on the tops, especially in the tomatoes and peppers.

Lack of calcium in the soilLack of calcium in the soil

Plants grow due to lack of calcium sloppyand on the leaves of the plants there are also visible signs of the lack of this element. First, the number of sheets is reduced, and the existing sheets are the top part twiststakes on a dark color and necrosis is visible, especially in pears and apples.


With pear and quince it leads to leaf chlorosis. Its excess prevents the absorption of magnesium, so the symptoms of excess calcium are actually symptoms of an insufficient amount of magnesium (next element).

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The basic role of magnesium is that it enters the composition chlorophyll. Therefore, it is not surprising that its deficiency manifests itself mainly loss of the green color of the leaves. The symptoms are first visible on the older leaves, because they show yellowing, and the streaking of the leaves is also noticeable. The yellow spots spread from the central nerve towards the edge of the leaf, and over time the entire leaf becomes dark in color, rust color. It comes to premature leaf fall.


Excessive amounts of this element lead to inhibition absorption of potassium, so they are symptoms poor coloring of fruitswhich are too woody or spongy. Many vegetable and field crops are laid down, and yellow fields on the leaves with red-brown necrotic parts also appear.

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Reduced concentration of this element leads to preventing fertilization because boron affects growth of pollen anthers. This feature of pine reveals its deficiency very easily: the percentage of flowering and fertilization is greatly reduced, and in the case of the fruit during its development deformities occur. When they are grown broccoli and cauliflower with reduced concentration of boron occurs hollow stems those cultures.

The leaves become smaller. The most sensitive crops to boron deficiency are the two mentioned above, as well as celery, sunflower, alfalfa, but also sugar and beet. In the last two crops, an insufficient amount of boron leads to the so-called disease “heart rot”.


There seems to be an excess of wrinkles even more consequences for cultivated plants. It is visible on the leaves drying starting from the top or edge of the leaf. In the case of plums, the drying of young shoots is noticeable. On the trees of various fruit crops there is bark cracking, and by petioles corky tissues appear.

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