plastics turn into sports T-shirts

Starting Czech brand Mowement uses graphene with recycled plastics to create sports tricks. Two young students created a unique with their startup sports t-shirt made of graphenewhich is a material with amazing properties used primarily in technology.

By connecting fibers from graphene and recycled plastics
they created a unique material that, among other things, conducts heat well. Now he is trying to get his project on crowdfunding platform HitHitby which they would like to obtain the necessary investment to start serial production.

Young startup two university students is well on its way to developing a new generation of sportswear. During the last six months, they worked intensively on the preparation of a campaign for the Czech crowdfunding platform HitHit, which on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 they launchedand where it is possible to support their project by buying your own graphene T-shirt in advance at a great price. In order to start mass production and thereby realize their idea, they need help from people.

Graphene and the idea of ​​its use in textiles

It’s graphene a super-thin form of carbon similar to graphite. Is
structured 2Dwhich means that it is made up of only one layer of atoms that are arranged in a hexagon. Due to this structure and properties of carbon, graphene conducts heat well and at the same time is one of of the strongest materials in the world. “Graphene is starting to be used mainly in the technology industry, so we thought why not try to use it for the textile industry as well,” adds founder Filip Matějka.

Triko GTee

Alone triko GTee benefits from the extraordinary properties of graphene, of which there are many. By combining a graphene fiber and a fiber from recycled plastics, the material is obtained, for example great strength, antibacterial effectswonderfully conducts heat or
absorbs harmful UV radiation. At the same time, it is a certified non-toxic material with good biological compatibility. Thanks to the fact that graphene can do a lot work well with electricityhere the founders see great potential in connection with technologies in the future development of smart clothing.

Use of recycled plastics

One of the largest shares waste in the oceans is plasticthe most common type of which are plastic bottles and lids.
The GTee T-shirt is partially made from recycled plastic bottles. And why recycled plastics? In the case of graphene, we are mainly talking about composite materialwhich reacts perfectly when used with other materials and thus can improve their existing properties.

Another issue was the production cost of the material, as the price of graphene is still relatively high. But the most important factor was the issue of plastics and the environment. To make one T-shirt are used approx 3 plastic bottles. These are used bottles, so no additional ones are produced, but they are only collected and then very carefully processed into the resulting fiber for GTee.

Establishing a project

“It all started with the idea of ​​creating an inspiring and high-quality sports brand with added value that would help athletes not only in terms of their performance, but also the people who need it most. That’s why we decided to create a brand where people would automatically donate a small amount of money to non-profit organizations for every purchase. But as ecologically minded and passionate sportsmen, we saw where the textile industry was going and wanted to do something about it. Since I love innovation and enjoy creating new things, I started thinking and searching. And that’s when I got down to it.” describes the founder Filip Matejka.

Filip came across Grafen purely by chance while browsing the internet. He became more interested in this material, what form of material it is, he read many articles until he was completely absorbed. “To begin with, we needed to find a supplier who works with graphene and can create the textile graphene fiber itself for us. After a long and difficult search, we finally found a supplier abroad, where we went to see in person, and with whom we participated in the development of the fabric for our graphene GTee shirt.”

Plans for the future

“Now we have at least 3 months of full-time work ahead of us to ensure that all our HitHit contributors receive their rewards on time. So there will be no shortage of work until the end of the year. At the same time, we are already planning several collaborations, especially in the area of ​​B2B sales, so we will work on that right from the start.” Filip says enthusiastically.

Next year, the young team definitely plans to make the brand more aware of people and, last but not least, to launch the project on the American crowdfunding platform Kickstarter. The goal will be to penetrate foreign markets and gain more customers. It is also a matter of course that the continuous development of not only the material itself, but also other types of products, such as jackets, trousers or shoes. You will support Mowement?

Photo source: Movement
