Playboy is the first name of the Rock n’ Rakija festival in Belgrade

Second in order Rock n’ Rakija festival which combines brandy and rock music, will take place December 6 and 7, 2024 in Dorćol Platz in Belgrade.
More than 20 domestic and foreign distilleries, mostly small family ones, will be presented to the guests.

As for the musical part of the program, the stars of the evening on Saturday, December 7 will be one of the favorite bands of the Belgrade audience, the cult band Playboy. A group that rarely plays, but makes unforgettable concerts.
This is the right opportunity to hear live the songs “Grizi metak”, “Belu koka”, “Znaj”, “Superstar”, “Ko je ko”, “Zajedno” and the new hits “Nemam vremena”, “Daj šteto” and “Nije easy”.

On the occasion of the jubilee, 30 years since the album “Sviraj dečko” by the group Playboy, tickets for Saturday, December 7, 2024, for all those who bring the original cassette, CD or record, will be 1000 dinars (the regular price will be 1500 dinars). These special tickets can be purchased at the Rakija market until October 1, 2024.

Other performers of this year’s Rock n’ Rakija festival will be announced soon, according to the announcement.
