Police stopped almost 10,000 drivers in Latvia in one day

On Saturday, the State Police (SP) checked 9,463 vehicle drivers on Latvian roads, identifying ten drivers who were intoxicated and two who had used drugs, the State Police’s public relations department told LETA.

Of the detained drivers while intoxicated, two had an alcohol concentration between 0.5 and one ppm, two others had between one and 1.5 ppm, and six had an alcohol concentration in the body exceeding 1.5 ppm, which provides for criminal liability and confiscation of the vehicle or collection of an amount corresponding to its value.

The largest number of drivers under the influence of alcohol were detained on Saturday in the Riga region, where six drunk drivers and one who had used drugs were caught. At the same time, not a single driver was found to be intoxicated in the Latgale region.

The State Police promises to continue enhanced control measures on Latvian roads until January 2.

Law enforcement officers urge every road user to be responsible and protect themselves and others from the consequences of rash actions, as well as not to remain indifferent and report cases when a driver tries to drive a vehicle while intoxicated with alcohol or drugs.

Source: www.gorod.lv