Polish border guards are allowed to shoot illegal immigrants

Aggressive immigrant at Polish border threatens with shovel.

Published July 17, 2024 at 4:07 p.m

Foreign. Polish border guards and soldiers have been given the legal right to shoot illegal immigrants trying to push through the border if necessary.

Third world immigrants who try to force Poland’s border with Belarus and Lithuania must henceforth expect that, in the worst case, they may be exposed to sharp fire from automatic weapons.

This after Poland’s parliament, the Sejm, has voted to quickly change the law on what powers Polish border guards and soldiers should have against immigrants who try to force their way into Poland by force, coercion and threats.

The law was adopted with 401 votes in favor, 17 against and 17 abstentions, reports TVN24.

Personnel at the border are exempted under certain conditions from criminal liability when using weapons or coercive means in defense against illegal attacks on the state’s borders.

Several serious incidents have previously occurred at the Polish border. In May, a border guard and a soldier were stabbed and had several spears thrown at them by a group of aggressive immigrants, who also threw stones. In March and April, three Polish border guards were also arrested by Polish military police after they fired sharp warning shots into the ground at another group of aggressive immigrants.

Source: www.friatider.se