Politico is afraid of the Freedom Party

The will of Austrian voters is clear, but some find it difficult to accept it. Brussels is afraid of a government led by the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), as reflected in the article of the Brussels news portal Politico reporting on the results of the Austrian election.

While the leading force of the previous government, the ÖVP, lost almost a third of its voters, the FPÖ, a member of the Patriots, won the Austrian election by almost doubling its support – the Brussels paper draws attention, noting that the Austrian Freedom Party considers Hungary a role model .

If Herbert Kickl’s party manages to form a coalition, the European Union would have to face a “Eurosceptic populist bloc” that would include Austria, Hungary and Slovakia, as well as possibly the Czech Republic after next year’s elections. One of the main faults of the FPÖ is that it is “anti-foreign”, because it wants to keep migrants out.

The author of the article hopes that it will be difficult, almost impossible for the FPÖ to form a government (by the way, this was also predicted for Geert Wilders’ party in the Netherlands a few months ago). As he writes, the president of the republic has the last word regarding the appointment of the chancellor and ministers, and Alexander Van der Bellen is unlikely to be willing to appoint the FPÖ leader, Herbert Kickl, as chancellor.

However, Politico also admits that it is difficult for the President of the Republic to ignore the strong performance of the FPÖ. They see it as possible that a coalition with the center-right could still be formed, if Kickl is not the candidate for chancellor.

However, a three-party coalition that would exclude the FPÖ is considered more likely, but Kickl warned his fellow politicians against this in a televised debate.

I would caution against ignoring the will of millions of people

– warned the leader of the FPÖ.

In addition, forcing the FPÖ to play an opposition role could lead to an even larger victory in the next elections.

The victory of the FPÖ in Austria a conservative it is among the successes of parties across Europe in the last two years, writes Politico, citing as examples the victory of Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, the government of Giorgia Meloni in Italy, or the successes of the AfD in the regional elections in Germany.

Cover photo: Herbert Kickl, leader of the FPÖ, celebrates his party’s election victory (Photo: AFP)

Source: magyarnemzet.hu