Pope renews appeals for peace and calls for decent conditions in prisons

The Pope this morning asked for more prayers for peace. “Unfortunately, tension is very high on the war fronts. Let the voices of the people who are asking for peace be heard,” he said this Sunday morning in St. Peter’s Square.

“Let us not forget the martyred Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar and so many countries at war. Let us pray for peace,” he added.

Francis also mourned the death in Honduras of Juan Antonio López, coordinator of social ministry in the diocese of Trujillo and a founding member of the pastoral ministry of integral ecology in that country. In condemning “all forms of violence,” the Pope expressed his closeness “to all those who see their basic rights trampled upon and to all those who strive for the common good in response to the cry of the poor and the earth.”

The Holy Father also greeted the participants in the march to raise awareness for those who are detained: “We must work to ensure that prisoners live in dignified conditions. Everyone can make mistakes. Being in prison is so that you can later return to an honest life,” he stressed.

In his reflections before reciting the Angelus, Francis stressed that “true power does not lie in the domination of the strongest, but in caring for the weakest.”

In reference to this Sunday’s Gospel, the Pope said that man is always in need of life and that “we are all alive because we have been welcomed, but power makes us forget this truth. Then we become dominators, not servants, and the first to suffer are the last: the little ones, the weak, the poor.”

Source: rr.sapo.pt