Preliminary result of Innofactor’s purchase offer | Bond

Good luck Bidco-buyer consortium Innofactorista according to the preliminary result of the subsequent offer period of the purchase offer made by

Together with the shares accepted and acquired during the original offer period, the shares offered during the subsequent offer period represent approximately 84.62 percent of Innofactor’s shares and votes.

Onni Bidco will confirm and announce the final result on October 8. The offer consideration will be paid approximately on October 10 to those shareholders who have validly accepted the purchase offer during the subsequent offer period.

The Onni Bidco buyer consortium has previously said that it will implement its purchase offer, even though it did not achieve the 90 percent ownership it was aiming for.

The buyer consortium includes Innofactor’s CEO, founder and major owner Sami Ensio, Capmanin capital fund as well as Osprey Capital.
