Premium espresso machines – with 3D design – technocrat

One of the best-known coffee machine manufacturers chose this path and increased its productivity by about 30 percent. For almost a century, Olympia Express has been designing and manufacturing robust, reliable and long-lasting espresso machines with outstanding precision. This makes it the world leader in its own market, and Cremina espresso machines, which are legendary among coffee lovers, are echoed in many retro advertisements.

Switzerland-based Olympia Express switched from previous 2D design to 3D modelling, speeding up the design process and reducing the number of physical prototypes, thereby cutting overall development resources in half.

The company used the released capacity for development. Using the digital models and the data they made available, they created a new product category: they developed a new portable espresso machine named Mina, which only needs hot water and fresh coffee grounds to make coffee.

At the same time, Olympia Express engineers often service espresso machines that are up to 50 years old. Thanks to Siemens software, this has also become easier: with the help of the prepared digital documentation, it has become easier to determine which spare parts are needed and how to replace them.

By combining its heritage and innovation, this is how the company can continue to plan a little for eternity: Italian cafes ensure high-quality coffee using an espresso machine that will serve its owners for many generations, and is made with careful planning and the use of quality ingredients such as professional coffee house equipment, however, is only a fraction of them in terms of size and cost.
