Presentation of the annual Report from the shadow of the Coalition on the 27th

Coalition 27, a group of civil society organizations that actively monitor and contribute to the harmonization of Serbian regulations with the legal acquis of the European Union in the field of environment and climate change, will hold the presentation of its annual Shadow Report. An event called The years pass, we stand / 10 years since the opening of accession negotiations between Serbia and the EU – is scheduled for Monday, November 18, from 11 a.m. in the premises of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

Photo-illustration: Unsplash (Nils Lindner)

The presentation will be structured in two thematic units: the first focuses on the current alignment with EU legislation in the field of environment and climate change, while the second analyzes investments in environmental protection from 2014 to 2023.

The presentation is structured in two parts. The first part focuses on the overview of Serbia’s activities and progress in harmonizing with EU legislation in the field of environment and climate change during the previous year. Members of Coalition 27 will analyze significant events in chapters such as air quality, water management, waste management and other topics, as well as financing in the field of environmental protection. Also, Green Cards illustrating the application of regulations at the level of local self-governments will be presented.

The second unit deals with investments in environmental protection in the period from 2014 to 2023, investigating how much Serbia has actually invested in this area and how investment needs have changed. Based on the National Strategy for approximation in the field of the environment, it is estimated that around 10.6 billion euros are needed by 2030 for full alignment with EU standards.

A detailed overview of the agenda can be found on the official website of Coalition 27, where additional information about the group’s work so far is also available.

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