Presented the Rose Festival, which consolidates programming and specific weight in Martorell

The Department of Culture of the Martorell City Council presented this afternoon at the Enrajolada Casa-Museu Santacana the Rose Festival programmingwhich starts this Friday, September 27 and will last until Sunday, October 6. Martorell will remember its winemaking past with a consolidated program of nearly sixty cultural and leisure events, where the 12th Vimart and a dozen sessions of the ‘Corners of the Vimart’ stand out. Tickets for these proposals can be purchased from this Tuesday the 24th on the portal from 10.00 a.m.

The Councilor for Culture, Sergi Corral, has highlighted the important specific weight of the Rose Festival in general and the magnitude of it near the Vimart, the Martorell wine fair on Saturday October 5, which will reach the 12th edition, which will be held in the vicinity of Plaça de l’Església from 18.00 to 01.00 and which will consolidate the number of wine and cavas and gastronomy stalls in numbers similar to last year.

“We have found the balance between wine tasting and catering”, he points out in this regard, and announces that “this year we will increase the number of glasses for sale, as last year they sold out very quickly”.

Sergi Corral, regidor de Cultura de l'Ajuntament de Martorell

The advance ticket can be obtained from tomorrow Tuesday at Entrades.martorell.catas well as the tickets for the ‘Racons del Vimart’. A cycle made up of a dozen events, on different days and spaces, that combine wine and the arts: philosophy, painting, music, theater or fashion.

The first of the Corners will be on Friday at the Torre de les Hores (7:00 p.m.). Corral highlights, due to its magnitude, “the Bubbles Space, which gathers nearly two hundred people and which this year we will do in the underground car park of the Library”.

Sergi Corral, regidor de Cultura de l'Ajuntament de Martorell

Beyond wine, the Roser is a tradition. That’s why many activities are held there, such as the 37th Aplec del Roser, the 32nd Meeting of Puntaires, the Correfoc -for children and adults, with the popular ‘versots’-, the Festa del Most -with the step of the grapes and the Cercavila-.

And of course, the proclamation. Sara Pérez Ovejero, one of the most renowned oenologists in the country, will be in charge of pronouncing it from the balcony of the City Hall. “We think that Sara can be a very good announcer, as she is very relevant in the world of wine and, in addition, she has a connection with Martorell, as her mother is from our town”.

Sergi Corral, regidor de Cultura de l'Ajuntament de Martorell

As for the musical offer, it will be extensive. During the Vimart there will be several performances in the Jardins de l’Enrajolada -Músix, Combo Jorge Molina, Maria Esteban Trio and Alberto Lozano- and Ópera al Balcó, which will continue at night with the Neon Band and the Festa Flaix Urban, in the car park of steam “There is a very good link between Ràdio Flaixbac and Martorell”, celebrates Corral, and also recalls the performances of ‘Les Vacants’ and DJ Quim Martínez.

Sergi Corral, regidor de Cultura de l'Ajuntament de Martorell

Consolidated events are also held at the Roser, such as theatrical visits on weekends – at Muxart, Espai d’Art, l’Enrajolada and Vicenç Ros-. Or the 28th Meeting of Entities in El Progrés, which on Friday 4 October will honor the work of the associative fabric.

But there is also a return of activities. The councilor emphasizes that “this year, thanks to the fact that we are not in a difficult time of drought like in the last two years, we will once again program the Piromusical, which will close the Festival in La Sínia Park.

The entire program, with timetables and complete information on each activity, can be found in this link. It will also be delivered in paper format to all the houses in Martorell.
