President Pellegrini vetoed the amendment to the Water Act. It draws attention to a possible violation of the constitution – Domestic – Administration

President Peter Pellegrini returned the amendment to the Water Act to the deputies of the National Council for renegotiation. According to the head of state, one of the provisions of the law is highly likely to be in conflict with the Constitution of the Slovak Republic.

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President Peter Pellegrini

Pellegrini proposed that the parliament re-approve the law with the deletion of point 27 in Article I of the approved law. “According to Petr Pellegrini, this provision, which was included in the government’s draft law as part of the amending and supplementing proposal from the joint administration of the committees, is highly likely to be in conflict with the Constitution of the Slovak Republic,” they said from the Presidential Palace.

President Pellegrini received opposition leaders in the palace, Matovič was absent


On Friday, Pellegrini also signed an amendment to the law on the state service of members of the Police Force, the Slovak Information Service, the Prison and Judicial Guard Corps of the Slovak Republic and the Railway Police.

According to him, the aforementioned change in legislation will help stabilize the situation in the police and other armed forces of the state.

The head of state also signed laws on the tax on sweetened soft drinks, on certain obligations and authorizations in the field of crypto-assets, on contributions provided from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, as well as amendments to the laws on excise duty on tobacco products, on narcotic substances, psychotropic substances and preparations, on the electronic form of the exercise of the powers of public bodies (the e-Government Act), as well as on the trading of emission quotas.
