Presidential appointment decisions are published in the Official Gazette

The Constitutional Court Membership Selection Decision, signed by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, was published in the Official Gazette.

Accordingly, former Presidential Administrative Affairs Director Metin Kıratlı was elected as a member of the Constitutional Court.

Kıratlı became a member of the Constitutional Court, replacing Muhammed Emin Kuz, whose term of office expired on May 12.


Hakkı Susmaz was appointed as the Presidency of Administrative Affairs Directorate, and Bekir Keleş was appointed as the Presidency of Administrative Affairs Directorate General of Law and Legislation,

Ahmet Bensiz, Deputy Director General of Legal Services of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, was appointed to the vacant Vice President position at the Forensic Medicine Institute.

Mustafa Levent Sungur was appointed as TOKİ President, and Hakan Gedikli was appointed as the General Director of Land Registry and Cadastre.

Esra Tuba Aydemir, Fetir Ezeroğlu, Fevzi Ünver, Aynur Genç, Mehmet Karahan and Ufuk Yılmaz were appointed to the vacant Chief Inspector positions in the Ministry of Family and Social Services.
