Price remains a priority for the French, but customer experience becomes essential

Apizee, Eloquant and Smart Tribune have revealed the results of a new study conducted by OpinionWay on the French and their purchasing experience in the age of Artificial Intelligence. The study reveals that for French consumers, price remains the central element of choice when purchasing a product, whether online or in store, but that efforts to improve the customer experience in as a whole play a vital role in buyer satisfaction.

Price always remains the most important criterion in the purchasing decision. This is what emerges in particular from the new OpinionWay study for Eloquant, Apizee and Smart Tribune. The current economic context reinforces the fact that the quality/price ratio is the determining factor for a majority of French consumers, whether online (56%) or in-store (59%). Online, price and quality are almost equivalent criteria for 46% and 45% of respondents. On the other hand, in stores, the French attach more importance to quality (51%) than to price (46%).

However, expectations differ depending on the sales channel. Online, buyers prioritize speed: product availability (23% versus 17% in store), simplicity of after-sales service (15% versus 12%), and reduction in waiting times (8% versus 4%) . Older consumers (50 and over) are particularly sensitive to product quality, while young people under 35 place price at the top of their priorities, regardless of the purchasing method.

But price is only a small part of the shopping experience

The study shows that, for almost half of consumers, the success of a purchasing experience goes far beyond the price of the product and takes place after the purchase. The effectiveness of after-sales service is cited as a determining criterion both in store (45%) and online (44%). Brands must therefore no longer focus only on the transaction, but on the overall customer experience.

The fluidity of the purchasing journey, both in-store (44%) and online (40%), as well as the quality of interaction with in-store salespeople (42%) also contribute to a successful customer experience. In addition, the availability of in-store advisors is considered essential by 41% of respondents, compared to 33% for online purchases.

Citizen and responsible purchasing tends to become a criterion of choice

With “Made in France” as a criterion mentioned, in particular for purchases in physical stores (21% in store compared to 18% online), some consumers say
now the choice of more responsible consumption for the economy of their country, but also more ethical

Infidelity and breakups caused by price

Once again, the study confirms the importance of the perceived value / price ratio. More than one in two consumers would be ready to change brands due to a price increase, both in store (54%) and online (50%) or high delivery costs when purchasing online (44%) or in store (29%). Note nevertheless in this inflationary context, disappointment linked to a bad past experience (39% online and in store) or a bad experience with an advisor (25% in store, 22% online) highlights the significant importance of quality of service and people to retain a customer.

Technological innovations: enthusiasm and distrust

In recent years, numerous technological innovations have opened up possibilities for renewing the purchasing experience. The survey reveals that French buyers are generally receptive to AI applications that improve convenience, personalization and efficiency in their purchasing journeys. Thus, among the 13 technologies tested, digital loyalty programs with AI-powered rewards personalization attract broad interest from 70% of consumers.

The study also highlights that a notable proportion of respondents are open to the adoption of autonomous carts (46%), video customer services (44%) or virtual reality to visualize purchases (44%), and willing to receive advice and information from AI and robots (38% online or in-store). This suggests embracing a growing level of comfort with AI as a source of guidance and advice when shopping.

On the other hand, innovations perceived as intrusive in terms of personal data, such as facial recognition (26%) or the implantation of a chip in the finger (18%), encounter more resistance, even if young people under 35-year-olds are more open to these innovations, with gaps of up to 29 points compared to the oldest. This demonstrates that concerns remain about apps that may raise privacy or data security questions.

Digital in the lead and AI as reinforcement in terms of preferred communication channels

The study highlights a predominance of digital: first email (52%) then telephone calls (47%) to customer service still remain the preferred channels when a problem arises with a brand. Using website contact forms (26%) and consulting FAQs (16%) are also popular options, highlighting the importance of user-friendly online platforms and self-care tools. . Finally AI-powered support is noticeably emerging : 12% of consumers are willing to interact with AI-powered bots for immediate assistance, showing growing acceptance of AI in customer service, especially among younger demographics, 18-24 (21 %) and 24-35 years old (24%).

The perfect customer experience is fluid, fast and human

Fluidity and efficiency are essential: 45% of respondents favor an efficient and rapid after-sales service after the purchase and 44% in store (40% online), a smooth purchasing journey from start to finish, without effort required, from product research to after-sales. Consumers emphasize the importance of the value of human interaction : the possibility of communicating with a person at any time (41% in store, 33% online) remains essential, as does listening, consideration and good interpersonal skills on the part of advisors (42% in store, 23% online).

Finally, French consumers appreciate a unified, borderless shopping experience between physical and digital channels. This suggests that brands need to omnichannelly integrate their online and offline presence. Brands that successfully integrate AI solutions while maintaining a good human connection in their customer service and offering a unified omnichannel strategy are best positioned to thrive in this evolving landscape.

« Unsurprisingly, in the current inflationary context, French consumers are hypersensitive to prices. Our study shows, however, that technology, such as AI, remains a major asset for retail, provided it personalizes the customer experience. But it is also striking to note that human contact remains a considerable advantage for brands that know how to cultivate it, » Charles Kergaravat, CMO chez Apizee.

« We are delighted to have conducted this informative study. She emphasizes that in the current economic context, more than ever, price remains a key element in the purchasing journey of the French. However, the purchasing experience itself, particularly in terms of after-sales service and smoothness of the journey, is of growing importance and makes a difference. New technologies, although they offer prospects for improving this experience, will still have to overcome consumer distrust to establish themselves in the long term, if they are not well integrated into the customer journey, » Elisabeth de Longeaux, Marketing Director at Eloquant.

« We were convinced of this, the French confirm it: the successful customer experience is a precisely balanced cocktail of automation and humans. The quality of information and the management of this knowledge are essential to create the trust necessary for the creation of lasting contact between brands and their consumers. AI agents should not replace human interlocutors, they are there to help them resolve complex cases more easily, and to streamline exchanges with customers on all the channels they naturally use, » Jérémy Gallemard at Smart Tribune.


The study “The French and the purchasing experience in the age of AI” carried out for Eloquant, Apizee and Smart tribune, is intended to understand and analyze the expectations of the French in terms of new technologies in the evolution of the purchasing experience. This study was carried out on a sample of 1,080 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over, constituted according to the quota method, with regard to the criteria of sex, age, socio-professional category, category of agglomeration and region of residence. The interviews were carried out by self-administered online questionnaire on the CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview) system. The interviews were carried out on September 18 and 19, 2024.
