Prices of fruits, vegetables, and coffee are expected to rise – – Information is capital

BANJALUKA, SARAJEVO – In just the past few days, we have learned that the prices of many products that we use every day will rise in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but we have not learned how and if the government will respond to the announced price hike.

Farmers have announced to us that the long summer drought and the large import of fruits and vegetables will increase the prices of these products. At the same time, coffee producers expect the growth of this drink, which is a favorite for many, so that a kilogram should cost from 22 to 23 marks per kilogram already from October.

If the price increase does not affect you, because instead of coffee you drink tea, which you sweeten with honey, you will also be affected, because, as the beekeepers say, it costs up to 30 marks per kilogram. And while, in anticipation of a new wave of price increases, citizens believe that the last straw has long since been broken, the authorities do not advertise, let alone move a finger to stop the rise in prices.

Fighters for consumer protection remind that the relevant entity ministries did some work this year, but there were no serious results.

Prices locked in FBiH, “Socially Responsible” campaign implemented in RS

Namely, in FBiH, prices are locked, while in Srpska, the “Socially Responsible” campaign was implemented, but in both cases it is a voluntary basis, that is, it is left to the good will of traders.

“Time has shown that the measures taken by both entity governments were good, but unfortunately, they are only cosmetic in nature. Most of the products that are ‘protected’ are generally not cheaper or better quality compared to other similar products. It often happens that exactly those products are not available at the moment, so consumers are forced to buy other products”says for “Nezavisne novine” Admir Arnautović, president of the Association of Consumers’ Club of Central Bosnia Travnik.

According to him, unfortunately, the authorities do not have strategies to help those who are really the most vulnerable, namely pensioners and those whose monthly incomes are far below average.

“Two KM worth of milk means nothing to someone who has a 4,000 KM monthly income. But that same milk is unattainable for someone who has 300 KM a month. Probably, the only solution would be to subsidize retailers who would sell basic food and hygiene products to certain vulnerable categories of consumers at preferential prices. We used to have several such stores in BiH, today, when we need them more than ever, we don’t have any“, remarks Arnautović.

It is necessary to introduce new measures

Economist Milenko Stanić says that the government should react to a series of price increases, especially when it comes to food.

“A reaction is absolutely necessary, especially with key products that are used for nutrition. We know that food costs account for 45 percent of the union consumer basket here. And there are really big problems here. Let’s say, we see significant changes in the markets when it comes to the prices of vegetables, which are increasing every day”Stanić said and added that the prices of imported products can be affected, with the focus being on items that are essential for the diet, that is, the life of the population.

Photo: Pixabay

The actions of both entity governments so far, let’s recall, with only a few exceptions, were mainly based on the principle that the relevant ministries convince traders and manufacturers to give up the margin. Part of the retail chains agreed to it, but according to the consumers’ attitude, their wallets did not feel it too much, especially when you take into account that many things have become more expensive in the meantime.

Let us remind you that on April 4, 2024, the Government of Srpska adopted the Decree on determining the margin in the sale of products, which further reduced the margins on basic foodstuffs, and expanded the scope of products to which the margins in sale in the Republic of Srpska are limited, with the fact that this the regulation was in force until June 30 and was not extended, but the “Socially Responsible” campaign continued from August 1, which did not cover all retailers, let alone all products.

On the other hand, in FBiH, the third round of the project of the Federal Ministry of Trade and the Association of Employers, Consumers and Trade Unions began on June 20, with a deadline of three months, but the prices, as announced at the time, were locked for only 50 products.

The Federal Ministry of Trade said that the action related to price locking will continue until the end of the year, with the list of products that will be covered by this will be known at the beginning of next week. The Ministry of Trade and Tourism of the Republic of Srpska did not respond to our inquiry.

Independent newspaper
