Prof. Vlad Ciurea tells how we recover from fatigue

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Prof. Vlad Ciurea, renowned neurologist, tells how we recover from fatigue. To restart the body, especially in the heat, the doctor does not recommend drinking coffee, but “a nap” in the afternoon is beneficial.

Photo source: Doctor of the Day archive

“We are reaching a point where we are no longer profitable. A slight doze, to recover, and some water at room temperature, no strong drinks, no coffees on top of coffees, do not lead to anything good.

Let’s say that a coffee wakes you up, but at the same time it overloads you. It’s not good. We have to fit within the parameters given by the body”, explains the specialist.

“Mediterranean people have invented a very good thing, we will probably get there too. This siesta… After you’ve been to the table, go and sit quietly for a while! You either rest, or sleep, or stay at home for a while,” explained doctor Vlad Ciurea.

The heat wave affects the body

Heat it affects the whole body, and especially the brain, which no longer functions in optimal parameters.

When dehydration occurs

“Dehydration occurs, because we have taken the water out of us and then the whole body functions in water. With no more water, we can no longer function. And then the phenomenon of laziness, fatigue, sluggishness happens, you feel like falling asleep on the street.

We cannot influence Romania’s climate, but we can fight against the heat wave, we can prevent it by avoiding going out to the maximum heat that is on the boulevards of Bucharest or in the areas where we work. At least until after 17.00-18.00 in the afternoon”, says Prof. Dr. Vlad Ciurea.
