(PROFEEL 2024 Study) Executives’ expectations regarding decision-making – Media

The “PROFEEL 2024” study conducted among 600 decision-makers by Les Echos Le Parisien Médias and Publicis Media Pro, in partnership with the Opinion Way institute, provides a complete overview of the situation of managers today. Presentation of some major lessons.

In an unstable economic context, faced with a change in HR issues within the company, and gloomy employees, managers must stay the course. For understand their difficulties and challenges they face, the exclusive study by Publicis Médias Pro and Les Echos Le Parisien offers a detailed and granular vision of the state of mind, current issues and motivations of the 600 managers and Codir or Comex members interviewed (Founder, President, CEO, CFO, HRD, Marketing Director, IT Director, etc.). Among the main lessons, we note that the economic development, human and digital are cited as the major business challenges. However, the priorities for action differ depending on the leader’s position in the company.

Comex VS Codir

Thus, for the members of the Comex, developing the company involves “finding cash flow, improving profitability, margins”, on the Codir side, the challenge is to increase turnover, “respond to the inflation crisis, adapt the offer”. Concerning human resources, the representatives of the Comex seek to recruit talent (motivation, energy) and more staff, the Codir for its part ensures to have competent and involved staff (QVT, training, etc.) Concerning the developments in the company that could be identified as benefits or obstacles, the Comex classifies teleworking among the constraints at 51% while the Codir sees it as an opportunity at 82%. Digital acceleration is welcome for both entities (between 60% and 80%), “even if the constant evolution of technology is hard to keep up” for the elected members of the Comex.

The benefits of AI

Pour ces leaders, daily decision-making is about reducing the level of uncertainty and risk-taking. Thus, 66% of Comex members make their decisions in a consultative manner (+23% other executives) through different sources of influence such as opinion leaders (+8 points), the media (+9 points) and technological resources (+22 points). To decide, executives are opening up to AI with strong expectations around software “to save time in decision-making”, “to carry out tests” or to compare their strategic choices. The media also help in decision-making. Experts, partners and the media are on the front lines to help leaders. “I expect transparency and honesty from a partner first” (88%), “I like to gain skills through the media” (81%) and “I need more support to make my choices” with experts (59%). No less than 76% of managers say they consult the printed press every week and 81% read online in order to “better understand my environment” and “form an opinion”.

Focus on the under 35s

Another lesson from the survey is the expectations and needs of managers under 35, including half are part of a start-up or growth phase company (+13 points VS managers over 35 years old). They expect their solution or service providers toinnovation and disruption for 84% of them and CSR for 83%. The need for media curation is cited by 74%. They are in favor of new collaborative communication tools, digital (for customer relations, logistics and paperless payment), generative AI and data mining. So many opportunities to fulfill their missions.


Study conducted with OpinionWay via self-administered online questionnaire in April 2024 with 600 decision-makers (C-levels) in private companies in France: Managers and members of the Codir or Comex (Founder, President, CEO, CFO, HRD, Marketing Director, IT Director, etc.). Sample constituted according to the quota method, with regard to the criteria of sector of activity and company size.

Source: www.e-marketing.fr