Professor Jin-ho Jeong of the Department of Dermatology at Seoul National University Hospital publishes memoirs detailing his 40-year career as a doctor

Cover of the memoir ‘I, Jeong Jin-ho, Thinking of the Heart Inside Your Skin’

(Health Korea News / Yu Ji-in) Professor Jin-ho Jeong of the Department of Dermatology at Seoul National University Hospital has published a memoir titled ‘I, Jin-ho Jeong, Thinking of the Heart Inside the Skin’, which contains his thoughts ahead of his retirement at the end of August. Professor Jeong served as the head professor of the Department of Dermatology at Seoul National University College of Medicine and the head of the Department of Dermatology at Seoul National University Hospital, where he trained many junior doctors. He is currently the director of the Seoul National University Institute of Aging and Society.

This memoir vividly captures the experiences and challenges of the past 40 years in the medical field, and the 33 years of research and academic achievements as a physician scientist. It also includes stories about education, research, and nurturing of future generations while serving as a professor at Seoul National University College of Medicine for 31 years and 6 months.

In his memoir, Professor Jeong Jin-ho vividly describes his journey as a doctor, his research as a physician scientist, his mission as a professor, and his philosophy and values ​​of life.

He honestly describes his ‘journey as a doctor’, including his experiences, challenges, and sense of accomplishment while treating patients in the medical field. Professor Jeong shares the deep insights and lessons he has gained while treating numerous patients, and he includes in this book his efforts to approach patients as a dermatologist to the best of his ability, and the achievements and rewards he has gained as a result.

He looked back on his ‘research as a physician scientist’ process, including various research projects, academic achievements, and the difficulties and overcoming processes he experienced in the process. Professor Jeong has made a great contribution to dermatological research by publishing papers in several international academic journals.

In particular, the part that calmly describes the ‘mission as a professor’, such as the educational experience at medical school, efforts to nurture juniors, and stories of communication and growth with students, is noteworthy.

Lastly, he shared his ‘philosophy of life and values’ that he realized while living as a doctor and professor for a long time, and included a message he would like to convey to junior doctors. Based on the lessons he learned from his life, Professor Jeong emphasizes humility, sincerity, and sincerity toward patients to his juniors.

“Through this memoir, I wanted to share with many people the precious experiences and emotions I have felt in the medical field over the past 40 years. I especially hope that this memoir will serve as a small guide for junior doctors.”

(Written by Jeong Jin-ho / Hanuri Publishing / 239 pages / 20,000 won)

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