Providers complained to the FAS that YouTube slows down differently for everyone

The Rosteleset Association, which unites more than 200 regional telecom operators, complained to the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) about the uneven slowdown of YouTube.

The organization asks to initiate proceedings on the grounds of violating the Law on Protection of Competition due to the creation of “discriminatory conditions for telecom operators by unevenly slowing down the work of the YouTube video platform, the Google search engine and its services”; to find guilty the persons who violated antimonopoly legislation, and to take measures to eliminate the violation. This “provoked a multiple increase in the number of user complaints to providers.”

Taking into account the above circumstances, telecom operators believe that the slowdown of YouTube is connected with external influence by the “slowing down” method, which could only be implemented through the TSPU (technical means of countering threats; special equipment that the state must install on the networks of all telecom operators in the country to counter external threats, as well as block prohibited resources. — RBC), which are under the jurisdiction of the Main Radio Frequency Center.

Since such a measure of influence on Internet resources as “slowing down work” is not provided for by law in the current regulatory legal acts, and the resource itself, like the domain name, is not included in the list of prohibited or restricted access as of the beginning of August, authorized bodies and courts have not made a decision to restrict access to the platform, the State Radio Frequency Center and Roskomnadzor do not have the right to take actions to restrict access to information on their own initiative.

— Rosteleseti

According to the organization, such a decision violates the rules of the “free market”. The presence or limitation of YouTube, as well as the quality of access to it, is for operators “either a competitive advantage or a competitive restriction”. Subscribers are increasingly switching to the services of mobile operators “only because of the quality of YouTube’s Internet resources”. (RBC)
