PSD, Chega, IL and CDS-PP welcome parliamentary evocation of the 25th of November but with different arguments – Politics

PSD, Chega, IL and CDS-PP welcomed this Monday the unprecedented parliamentary evocation of November 25, 1975, with the social democrats defending that the date unites and Chega considering that this “is the true day of freedom” .

In the first solemn session reminiscent of the 25th of November in the Assembly of the Republic, the applause for General Ramalho Eanes, present in the tribune reserved for the highest figures of the State, was a constant in the interventions from the benches on the right, with the first big ovation coming after the reference of the parliamentary leader of the CDS-PP, Paulo Núncio, the second party to intervene in the session.

For the PSD, the vice-president of the bench Miguel Guimarães argued that this date “symbolizes the triumph of moderation over extremism”, which should unite and not divide parliament.
