PSD does not reject a government with USR. Unexpected reaction from the top of the Social Democrats

Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 2:26 p.m

722 readings

Marcel Ciolacu, Elena Lasconi / M. Ciolacu, E. Lasconi – USR (FB)

PSD is doing its calculations for the future government. The Social-Democrats, the party with the largest number of members, around 500,000, therefore also with the largest electoral pool, does not reject a possible collaboration with USR in the future executive.

Gabriel Zetea, PSD spokesperson, parliamentarian, claims that the only formations with which the social-democratic camp would not collaborate would be AUR and SOS Romania.

“The only thing that the Social Democratic Party excludes at the moment is a government, a parliamentary collaboration, of any kind, with extremist parties and those that are not pro-Europe, pro-NATO, that is, with AUR, with Sosoacă, The Social Democratic Party cannot do any kind of collaboration”, said Zetea, for B1 TV.

However, USR, since entering the parliament in 2016, has declared that it excludes any governmental collaboration with PSD. Instead, he continues to grope with the PNL.

Mutual criticism between PSD and AUR

Zetea believes that PSD “turned Romania into a point of stability in Eastern Europe”. Thus, the social democrats want pro-EU and pro-NATO partners.

“We gave our word to the European partners. We turned Romania into a point of stability in Eastern Europe and through the stability that the Social Democratic Party brought to government. For the rest, depending on the result we will see in the elections, the way people vote, we will discuss at that moment what parliamentary mathematics can be available to the parties to further ensure the western orientation of Romania, the orientation towards business, the orientation towards a better life for Romanians, excluding extremist parties”, continued Gabriel Zetea, for the quoted source.

On the other hand, those from AUR have declared since entering the Parliament, in 2020, that they reject the scenario of governing with the PSD.

The PNL, the favorite of the PSD

Most likely, and from 2025, the PSD will govern together with the partners from the PNL.

“We are not excluding the National Liberal Party under any circumstances. Well, we govern at the moment with the National Liberal Party. We’ve been doing this for the last three years and we’re finally sharing the good things and the not-so-good things that have been done at the government level, even though at the moment the National Liberal Party seems to be more on the campaign trail and he behaves both in power and in opposition. That is, it is not necessarily loyal behavior”, concluded Zetea.
