PSD wants to be a platform open to independents to win municipal elections

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The strategy for municipal elections has been defined. The PSD wants to be a platform open to other parties and independent personalities to build candidacies for next year’s municipal elections.

In an interview with Renaissancethe municipal coordinator of the PSD, Pedro Alves, recalls that in recent years many independent movements have emerged that have won city halls from party candidates and concludes that it is necessary to bring people back into the party.

“Making the PSD a platform open to parties and independent personalities and not being afraid to assume, as our highest priority, bringing people into the party and opening the PSD to the outside, for other types of involvement, namely new parties , like the Liberal Initiative, which emerged recently”, says the deputy.

The PSD has several coalitions spread across the country with the CDS at this time and the same could happen with the Liberal Initiative. Pedro Alves considers that, in this case, the coalitions will only be in some municipalities.

The municipal coordinator also reveals that the strategy to win the largest number of chambers must involve listening to the population and not imposing the choice of party leadership.

“The point is not to impose political projects on communities through a party directory, but to know how to listen and build these projects with which they identify (…) we, as leaders, have to forget our vanities, as the party president said, and offer these local governance solutions”, says Pedro Alves in an interview with Renaissance.

With just under a year to go before the municipal elections, Pedro Alves says that the party already has 90% of its candidates chosen, but that they will only be announced after the entire State Budget process is completed.

“We have a notion of the social and political reality of each of these territories and that is why I can tell you that more than 90% of the processes we would be in a position to announce them today”, reveals Pedro Alves, speaking to Renascença at the PSD congress which takes place this weekend in Braga.
