Public inspection of the first document for the preparation of the study for the “Jadar” project

The “Jadar” project has attracted a lot of public attention due to its potential impact on the environment, and protests and discussions are present in the country every day. In order to make decisions more transparent, the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia opened the process of public inspection in the early stages of the study on the impact assessment of this mining project.

It is the first document in the procedure for creating a study on environmental impact assessment of the mining part of the “Jadar” project, and citizens and experts will have the opportunity in the next 15 days to study the “Request for determining the scope and content of the study”, which is the basic document for further assessment of the environmental consequences of this mining project, it was announced on the website of the Government of Serbia.

The Minister of Environmental Protection pointed out that this request was published after the company “Rio Sava Exploration” doo Belgrade supplemented the documentation at the request of the Ministry. This addition enables citizens to access more detailed information about the project already at this early stage.

“The Ministry requested additional data in order to provide the best possible insight into the project plans. We invite citizens and the professional public to familiarize themselves with the document and give their comments, because our goal is to reach the best solutions for everyone through this transparent process”, said Vujović.

Foto-ilustracija: Freepik (freepik)

The final decision will be made after the entire documentation, which refers to each part of the project, in each phase, is published before the citizens, so that they can participate and comment, where after a comprehensive discussion, a conclusion should be reached on how and what to do next.

The same procedure will be applied to the remaining two segments of the project – the process part and the part related to waste management.

Citizens can inspect the documentation every working day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the premises of the Ministry of Environmental Protection in Belgrade, the Assembly of the City of Loznica, and the Assembly of the Municipality of Krupanj.

Insight is also enabled on the following websites:

Energy portal
