In December, the Public Ministry (MP) presented a petition to the Supreme Administrative Court (STA) for “the declaration of nullity and annulment of several administrative acts” related to modification and expansion works at Lisbon airport.
The news of the action filed by the MP on December 12th with the STA was advanced this Thursday by Jornal de Negócios and confirmed to Lusa by the STA, which clarified that the process is in this court in the summons phase, that is, the phase in that “the defendant entities and interested parties are made aware that a certain action has been proposed against them, and that they are called to the process to defend themselves and comment within the legal deadline.”
According to this court’s clarifications to Lusa, the phase of presenting objections continues, and no precautionary measure has been presented in this regard.
The MP’s action seeks to declare null and void the decision of the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), of January 22, 2024, which exempted from the mandatory environmental impact assessment the works planned for the Humberto Delgado airport, in Lisbon, as well as the deliberations of the Council of Ministers of December 28, 2023, which obliged ANA — Aeroportos de Portugal, to carry out works and investments in that infrastructure.
The MP also wants to see the resolution of the Council of Ministers of May 2024, already under the responsibility of the current Government, annulled, which “provides for measures to reinforce the capacity of Humberto Delgado Airport”, as well as the favorable opinions of the National Civil Aviation Agency ( ANAC).
“The MP also requests that ANA Aeroportos de Portugal SA be ordered to abstain from behavior, that is, the execution of modification and expansion projects at Humberto Delgado Airport (AHD) with a significant impact on the environment not preceded by an environmental impact assessment. “, adds the STA.
The MP specifies, according to the STA note, that “all projects mentioned in Council of Ministers Resolution no. 201/2023 and others that are part of its development plan, or its operational improvement plan or its master plan for Humberto Delgado Airport, safeguards interventions involving mere maintenance, or force majeure for security reasons”.