Pumpkins marinated in olive oil

Easy and quick recipe: Pumpkins marinated in olive oil. To always have a quick alternative ready to serve to your loved ones, we offer you this special recipe. Follow it step by step to enjoy a divine taste.

Photo source: Doctor of the Day archive

Ingredients needed:

  • 2 kg dovlecei
  • 500 ml. vinegar
  • 1 liter of water
  • Half a spoonful of salt
  • 1 bunch parsley
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Mint leaves
  • Olive oil

Method of preparation:

Start by preparing the zucchini. Cut the courgettes into thin slices. Then pour the vinegar into a deep pot, add the water and salt, then let it boil for a few minutes until the water starts to boil.

Add the zucchini and let it boil for 3 minutes. When they are cooked, remove them and place them on a clean paper towel. Do this until you have finished all the pumpkins.

Now put all the pumpkins on paper or cloth and let them cool, covering the top with paper. This process is very important to help the zucchini dry out and absorb the vinegar well.

Then add finely chopped parsley, 4-5 chopped mint leaves and garlic cloves over the pumpkin. Mix well and let rest for a few minutes to flavor. If you wish, you can add other flavors or spices such as hot pepper, red or black pepper.

For preservation:

Keep the jars in hot water for 20 minutes. Fill the jars with the pumpkins you have prepared, it will fill about three normal jars.

Arrange the zucchini pieces with a spoon so that they occupy all the empty spaces. Add olive oil until the jars are full and completely cover the zucchini. Wait a few minutes until the olive oil reaches the bottom of the jar and if necessary you can add a little more oil.

Close jars hermetically with lids so that they are as tight as possible and leave them in a dark place for 10 days. After the days have passed, you can consume them as you wish. You can also store them airtight for up to a year.

Source: www.doctorulzilei.ro