Pyeongtaek City International Exchange Foundation’s ‘English Talking Book’ published as an e-book

The Gyeonggi-do Pyeongtaek International Exchange Foundation announced on the 23rd that it will produce and distribute the Talking Book, which has been published as a paper book since 2021 to promote English education, as an e-book.

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The city explained that it has increased accessibility for users by posting the Talking Book e-book on the Pyeongtaek English Education Center website. The Talking Book e-book function provides not only the latest 7 volumes but also all existing volumes 1 to 6. Talking Book covers various topics such as environment, society, and governance (ESG) so that it can be used by beginners to intermediate users.

The city also plans to distribute the 8 volumes to regional English centers and public institutions in the city for free so that anyone can receive them for free. The video content of the 8 volumes will be produced in a short format in line with the latest trends.

Jeong Jong-pil, the head of the Pyeongtaek International Exchange Foundation, said, “We will continue to develop and operate various cutting-edge English education contents through regional English centers to contribute to the internationalization of citizens.”

Reporter Jeong Du-hwan

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