Pylon crashes onto the excavator, 44-year-old worker dies among the sheets: Nicasio leaves behind a child

Tragedy at work today in Termine Imerese, in the metropolitan city of Palermo, where a 44-year-old worker, Nicasio Moncada, died after a pylon crashed into the excavator he was operating. The man, originally from Sciara, leaves behind a wife and a young son.

And 44-year-old worker, Nicasio Moncada, died today due to a terrible accident at work in Termine Imerese, in the metropolitan city of Palermo. The man, originally from Sciara, also in the Palermo area, died after being crushed by a pylon which suddenly collapsed on the excavator that the worker was using in an abandoned field.

According to initial reports, the 44-year-old was on the excavator this morning carrying out clearing work on uncultivated land when an old man disused pylon fell and ended up on the earth moving machine that he was using. A very violent impact that destroyed the excavator’s cabin and left the worker no escape.

The 44-year-old from Palermo was trapped between the sheets of the destroyed vehicle and was killed firefighters needed to be called to extract it from the excavator and entrust him to the 118 health workers. The medical emergency services arrived on site, in the Canne Masche district, near Fiumetorto, but unfortunately they were unable to do anything to save the worker. The man was rescued and attempts were made to resuscitate him for a long time but in the end the emergency services had to declare him dead on the spot.

Excavator overturns and crushes him, worker dies at work on construction site in Cesena

There were many messages of condolence for the death of the 44-year-old, who He leaves behind a wife and a young sonincluding that of the mayor of Sciara who wrote in a note: “Today, the sad news of the passing of our dear fellow citizen Nicasio Moncada reaches us. Once again there are no words to express the pain of an entire community like ours for yet another workplace accident to the detriment of a family man, a great worker. The entire Municipal Administration expresses its condolences to the family.”

The Carabinieri also intervened at the scene of the incident to investigate the case and to initiate the investigations aimed at reconstructing the dynamics of the facts. “It is a silent massacre that continues in Sicily and which has become unacceptable. People cannot lose their lives in the workplace, like the worker hit this morning by a pylon in the Palermo area. And while we mourn this new victim, we join his family members to whom we ensure union and legal support” declared Luisella Lionti, secretary of Uil Sicilia, adding: “We are tired of hearing political promises. Now we need facts, not words. While waiting for the judiciary to shed light on the causes of this accident, we reiterate the need for immediate interventions on the system of lowest-cost tenders and cascade subcontracts, as already proposed by our general secretary, Pierpaolo Bombardieri. Effective solutions and tools must be found to stop workplace deaths, or rather murders.”
