Qualification for the US Open 2024: German duo continues to dream of the main draw

The last Grand Slam tournament of the year, the US Open 2024, starts on August 26. While the top stars of the scene are still waiting to find out who they will play against in the tournament, the second team has long been fighting in the qualification for a ticket to the main draw in Flushing Meadows. At the DTB, only one duo can still hope.

After the second round of qualifying for the 2024 US Open has been completed, only Eva Lys of the four German women who started still dreams of a place in the main draw. The number 113 seed in the world rankings, seeded ninth, defeated Australian Olivia Gadecki (number 154 in the world rankings) in three sets with 6:3, 4:6 and 6:1.

With a win against Briton Yuriko Miyazaki (number 144 in the world rankings), she would make it into the main draw of the US Open, as she did in 2023. Last year, the 22-year-old celebrated her only victory so far in a Grand Slam in Flushing Meadows.

Ella Seidel and Nastasja Schunk, however, were eliminated in the second round of qualification, and Mona Barthel even failed at her opening hurdle.

The 34-year-old Barthel (number 179 in the world rankings) had an exciting fight with Su-jeong Jang (number 239 in the world rankings) from South Korea, but ultimately had to admit defeat with 7:5, 5:7 and 2:6. Barthel was last in the main draw of the US Open in 2018.

A feat that 19-year-old Ella Seidel (number 134 in the world rankings) will not be able to achieve in 2024. Seidel went into the duel with Argentinian Solana Sierra (number 159 in the world rankings) as a slight favorite, but lost a close match 6:3, 5:7 and 2:6.

Mixed performance of the German men

Nastasja Schunk (number 382 in the world rankings), who was already among the top 150 in the world rankings but fell far behind due to an injury, had little to say against Hailey Baptiste from the USA (number 106 in the world rankings) in the 1:6 and 4:6 defeats.

The situation is not much better for the men. Yannik Hanfmann (number 98 in the world rankings), the number two seed, was eliminated without a fight in the first qualifying round with 2:6 and 1:6 against the Italian Stefano Napolitano (number 136 in the world rankings).

Henri Squire (number 183 in the world rankings) had to admit defeat to the Argentinian Roman Andres Burruchaga (number 124 in the world rankings) with 6:7, 7:6 and 2:6 and Rudolf Molleker (number 219 in the world rankings) was defeated by Yu Hsiuo Hsu (number 186 in the world rankings) from Taiwan with 6:4, 4:6 and 5:7.

Meanwhile, Maximilian Marterer (number 101 in the world rankings) is holding up the German colors. In the second round, Marterer defeated the American Patrick Kypson (number 168 in the world rankings) 6:4 and 7:6. If he also beats Mitchell Krueger (number 171 in the world rankings) from the USA, he will be in the main draw.

Source: www.sport.de