Queen Letizia: new information about her ancestors

A couple of weeks ago, ‘Fiesta’ shared with viewers the conclusions of a investigation which resulted in an important discovery about Queen Letizia. It turns out that the Queen of Spain He has royal blood, blue blood, because, after investigating and analyzing his family tree, it was proven that he is descendant from the very same Fernando II Now, the program goes further and discovers new data about the forefathers of the Queen Letizia.

‘Fiesta’ reveals that Queen Letizia has royal blood: “This changes the history of Spain”

Alejandro Entrambasaguas has carried out new research to go beyond this surprising historical discovery. It has pulled the thread of all that documentation who came to the editorial office of the program, has continued visiting cities and has left Spain to discover the tomb of a royal surgeon: “We have closed the circle of Doña Letizia’s ancestors,” says the journalist before sharing all this new information with the viewers.

‘Fiesta’ has continued to investigate the queen’s ancestors and follows in the footsteps of Antonio Ortiz, a surgeon of the Queen’s regiment at that time who died in the city of Elvas (in Portugal, near the border with Badajoz). Alejandro Entrambasaguas travels there to visit the remains of this ancestor of Doña Letizia, who rest in the cemetery ‘Two Englishmen’ after having died in a battle. There is a plaque with the symbol of Spain that accredits him. The details of this plaque coincide with the dates of the exclusive that ‘Fiesta’ gave two weeks ago.

Source: www.telecinco.es