Radio morning: taxes and cars

Äripää radio starts the new week with two topics that generate a lot of opinions – politics and cars.

  • Interior Minister Lauri Läänemets will talk about the security tax, as well as the tax environment in general, on live radio on Monday. Photo: Andras Kralla

Interior Minister Lauri Läänemets, the leader of the Social Democrats, said on national broadcasting television that in his opinion, the broad-based security tax introduced as a temporary one is actually here to stay. We will ask him in the morning program how he interprets the results of the recent so-called tax festival and what he sees as the future Estonian tax system.

Raiko Ausmees, the organizer of the car awards event Estonian Autogala, will also come to the studio, with whom we will analyze what this year’s car year will be like and what trends can be identified based on the new models that have reached the final.

Eliisa Matsalu-Alaküla, a journalist who investigates Äripää, will discuss the subjects of the big story that will appear on Monday morning.

The morning program is made by Karl-Eduard Salumäe and Ken Rohelaan.

The program day continues with five programs:

9.50‒10.00 “Obscure economy”. You shouldn’t be able to eat avocados. They are very nutritious and contain a lot of fiber and vitamins. In general, they are very useful as food. But you shouldn’t be able to eat them. Namely, avocados should already be an extinct species for 10,000 years. But the ancient Aztecs did something right, and they still exist. In Mexico, avocados are called both green gold and the new “blood diamond”, the production of which devastates both nature and human lives. Hear more about the “Obscure Economy”. Host is Linda Eensaar.

10.0011.00 “Content Marketing Show”. In the show, we talk about important tax issues through the eyes of an accountant. Enno Lepvalts, owner and manager of accounting office Vesiir, is in the village. The show is hosted by Hando Sinisalu.

11.0012.00 “Hot seat”. Kai Realo, head of Ragn-Sells and the central union of employers, is in the hot seat, Marge Ugezene hosts the show.

13.0014.00 “Business and technology”. In the show, we talk about intelligent transport systems: what they represent, which companies operate in this field in Estonia and with what achievements, challenges and trends.

In the studio, the head of Traffest, Viljar Nurme, who has also been involved with the cooperation network of companies in the field, ITS Estonia, opens the questions of smart mobility. The show is hosted by Indrek Kald, head of

15.0016.00 “Lavajutud”. In the program, Kaur Andresson, vice president of the electronics manufacturing company GPV Group, talks first about how wars and geopolitics change business and political relations.

In the second half of the show, however, we hear the experience story of host Robert Rool. Rool talks about his childhood, his first working days in the media sector and why it’s not worth making investment decisions in a festive mood. The conversation with Rooli will be held by Jana Palm, head of Äripäip’s major events.

The presentations have been recorded at the Pärnu Financial Conference held in April this year and the Investment Festival held in July.

Listen to Äripää radio In Tallinn and Harjumaa 92.4 MHz, Tartu 97.7 MHz, Pärnu 91.9 MHz, Haapsalu 96.0 MHz, Saaremaa 101.7 MHz, Ida-Virumaa 94.6 MHz, Raplama 101.8 MHz and Järvamaa 104.3 MHz.

You can find it here to listen directly.

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