Rain and storms put ten communities on alert this Monday

A dozen communities are on alert this Monday due to the risk of rain and storms, some coastal phenomena and wind, reports the website of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET).

Aragon It is on orange alert (significant risk) due to storms in the Pyrenees that could accumulate up to 30 liters per square meter in one hour and that could be accompanied by hail and very strong gusts of wind. At high altitudes, wind gusts will reach 80 km/h.

In the rest of the community, the alert will be at yellow level (risk) in the center of Huesca, where rains are expected to accumulate up to 25 liters in one hour, which may be accompanied by hail and very strong gusts of wind.

In yellow level due to rain there are also Andalusiawhere up to 15 liters per square meter can accumulate in one hour in the north of Jaén, Córdoba, Seville and Huelva, and coastal phenomena and wind in Málaga, Almería and the Granada coast, with gusts of 50 to 60 km/h ( force 7), and waves of 2 to 3 meters.

In Castile-La Mancharainfall may accumulate up to 15 liters in one hour in the provinces of Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara and Toledo. The wind will register gusts of 80 kilometers per hour in the Serranía de Guadalajara and the storms may be accompanied by hail and very strong gusts of wind in the Sierra de Cuenca, Ciudad Real, Toledo and Guadalajara.

Catalonia It is also on yellow alert for rainfall that in the Aran Valley and the Lleida Pyrenees will leave up to 25 liters per square meter in one hour, and may be accompanied by hail and very strong gusts of wind that may reach 80 km/h.

In Estremadurathere will be storms and rain in Vegas del Guadiana-Badajoz, where 15 liters are expected in one hour, and in the north of Cáceres, where 40 liters may accumulate in 12 hours.

In Galiciarainfall will be recorded mainly on the coast of A Coruña, Vigo and Pontevedra, with 15 liters in one hour and 40 liters in 12 hours in the Rías Baixas and the interior of Pontevedra and coastal phenomena on the coast of A Coruña where There will be combined seas from the west or northwest, with waves of 4 to 5 meters.

As in other communities, in Madrid The alert will be yellow for rain that will leave 15 liters in one hour in Sur, Vegas and Oeste-Madrid and intense storms in the eastern end of the area and may be accompanied by hail and very strong gusts of wind.

In NavarraIn the center and the Pyrenees, the AEMET expects storms and rainfall that could accumulate up to 15 liters in an hour.

In yellow warning for rains in Castile and León There are Salamanca, Zamora, Palencia and Valladolid, where 40 liters are expected in twelve hours and some locally strong showers that will exceed 15 liters in one hour.

In the Balearicsthe yellow warning is limited to the Sierra de Tramontana-Mallorca, due to maximum wind gusts of 70 km/h.

Source: www.eldiario.es