The word in question comes from the French term “rayé”, which means “striped”, referring to a type of fabric or textile material with parallel stripes. In Romanian, this term has adapted and transformed to refer to a specific material, often a type of thick velvet, that has specific stripes or striations.
Correct form: “rait”
According to the Explanatory Dictionary of the Romanian Language (DEX), the correct form is “crazy”. This describes a fabric with parallel stripes, also known as striped velvet. Correctly we should say ‘striped corduroy trousers’ or ‘striped skirt’.
Why not “restart”?
The form “reiat” is a common mistake, probably arising from a phonetic confusion. Although the term seems similar to “raiat”, there is no etymological or linguistic justification for using this form. “Really” it is not recorded in dictionaries as correct and has no official meaning in the Romanian language.
In order to respect the correct norms of the Romanian language, it is important to use the form “striped” when referring to the textile material with striations. Although “reiat” is sometimes heard in common language, it is not correct and should not be used in formal speech or writing.
So the next time you’re discussing this type of material, remember that “crazy” is the correct form.