RAJEVAC CRITICIZES THE FANS AND JUSTIFIES THE PIXIE: The audience “faded”, only the result leaves the coach! – Football, National team

“Vlahović was missed a lot”

Experienced football expert Milovan Rajevac he commented on the edition of Serbia in the match against Spain, as well as the stay of Dragan Stojković Pixi as a coach.

– Good impression, there was a lot of talk. The match is over and done with, everything goes back to its place. That’s right, when it’s FIFA days, the matches come one after the other, we have to think about Denmark. The Spaniards came in overbearing, but an excellent first half, when such heart is shown, the result cannot be bypassed. The match is behind us, the next one is already tonight – said an experienced Serbian expert in the show “Morning” on “TV Prva”

Then Rajevac criticized the fans a little, and pointed out that he is looking forward to tonight’s duel in Copenhagen.

The audience “faded” in the first game. Denmark is a beautiful country, there will be our spectators. I don’t think our 12th player will be missing. We are nervous about whether we will be able to repeat it, but I hope that we will add more. You don’t have time as a coach to do some things that are evident now. We defended well, they left us a lot of space behind, we had to use it. We had 2-3 good counters, which must be used. You don’t have that many chances in a match like that – rRajevac waited.

Milovan Rajevac (PHOTO: Starsport)

He added that Serbia lacked a player like Dusan Vlahović against Spain.

Vlahović was missed a lot, he is that shooter, who when there is a lot of space, knows how to quickly enter and react. We are nervous about how it will all turn out. Every game brings something with it, either joy or sadness. The Danes are a great team, I think we saw where they are weak from this last match at the EURO. We have a new team, we have to do our best. They will certainly attack us, but that is good for us, we are used to defending ourselves. For us, there is a chance for a semi-counter or a counter. It cannot be closed. We’ll see tonight, heart on the field and that’s it – started Rajevac.

Then there was the question of the decision for Dragan Stojković to remain the coach of Serbia.

– This has been a topic for a long time. I think we’ve concluded that. Pixi stayed, this match justified him. Each next one is the most important. Only the result leaves the selector and coach or replaces him. Our hearts are full of how Serbia played and how it achieved the result. I have a little trepidation that we will repeat the game tonight and have a good result.

Source: hotsport.rs