Read in “Vesti”: We are not afraid of anyone

There is no area in which Serbia has progressed as drastically as the Serbian Armed Forces and the position of its members, said President Aleksandar Vučić, who attended the demonstration of the capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces Zastava 2024 at the military airport “Colonel Pilot Milenko Pavlović”, on the occasion of the Day of Serbian Unity , freedom and national flags. The state leaders of Serbia and Republika Srpska and numerous citizens were also present at this event.

– I am proud of the Serbian Army and everything we have done. Although I am someone who always criticizes, it is understood that I am proud of many things. There is no other thing that I am proud of as I am the Army – he said.

Vučić pointed out that four to four and a half times more drones were seen in the display than last time, that Serbia has the first 1,000 “mosquito” drones, and that this display is half of that number.

The latest bursts

– We ordered new multi-barrel rocket launchers. Everything is aimed at deterring a potential aggressor, and we will acquire some of the tools that will dominate and create a strategic and tactical advantage for Serbia. As is well known, Serbia has no aggressive and offensive intentions – the president pointed out.

He emphasized that Serbia is a “real power” in terms of the number of tanks.

During the tour of military weapons and equipment, the president announced that Serbia, in addition to the development of the modular and digitized rocket launcher “Oganj”, will acquire a new weapon that is the only one better than the American Himars missile system. He also explained that the newest and most modern version of the Rafale 4.1 fighter jets, which were prepared for the French army a month ago, are being bought from the French. He also stated that Serbia has the most modern radar systems and the best protection, because the best was bought and everything is new and modernized…

Read more in tomorrow’s edition of “Vesti”.
